4 Stimmen

Drucken von IP-Adressen mit gdb

Ich debugge gerade einen Netzwerkcode und möchte IP-Adressen ausgeben, die als int32 . Wenn ich es mit dem Befehl gdb print ausdrucke, erhalte ich einige Werte, die nicht sehr aussagekräftig sind.

Wie kann ich sie möglicherweise in einem sinnvollen Format ausdrucken?


joe Punkte 41

Hier ist eine weitere interessante Möglichkeit:

#include <sys/types.h>  // u_int32_t

// next 3 for inet_ntoa() call
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

// C++ headers
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <string>
#include <sstream>  // ostringstream

// class to aid in using the gdb(3) debugger to print a u_int32_t ip_address as a string.
// The toString() is a static method!!
// How to call a C++ method from the gdb debugger, to simulate the inet_nto(3) method
// From within gdb debugger, you must have a process, so first stop at main:
//  b main
//  r
//  (gdb) p MYIP4::toString(0x0fffefdfc)
//  $1 = ""
//  (gdb) p MYIP4::toString(-1)
//  $2 = ""
//  (gdb) p MYIP4::toString(65536)
//  $3 = ""
// Drawbacks: the a.out executable that you are debugging needs the MYIP4 class already
// compiled and linked into the executable that you are debugging.
// PS: I don't know if there is a "slick way" where the MyIP4 class could dynamically be loaded,
// within gdb(), if the executable failed to contain the MYIP4 class.
// PS: I had trouble with my operator() idea.. If you know how to improve on it, post away!
// @author 1201207 dpb  created

class MYIP4
    static std::string toString(u_int32_t ipv4_address )
        struct in_addr temp_addr;

        // inet_ntoa() returns a char * to a buffer which may be overwritten
        // soon, so convert char* to a string for extra safety.
        temp_addr.s_addr = htonl(ipv4_address);
        std::string ipv4String = std::string(inet_ntoa( temp_addr ));
        return ipv4String;

#if 0
    // this idea did NOT work, so it is commented out.
    // overload the () operator, so that, within gdb, we can simply type:
    //  p MYIP4(0x01020304)
    // instead of:
    //  p MYIP4::toString(0x01020304)

    std::string operator() ( u_int32_t ipv4_address )
        return toString(ipv4_address);


void test1();

int main()
    return 0;

void test1()
    u_int32_t   ipv4Address = 0x01020304;   // host byte order for
    std::cout << "Test1: IPAddress=" << MYIP4::toString(ipv4Address) << "\n";


gopinath sikha Punkte 11

Versuchen Sie diesen Befehl:

(gdb) p/uc (char[4])342757386
$1 = {10 '\n', 16 '\020', 110 'n', 20 '\024'}


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