2 Stimmen

Javascript - Pfad der in HTA abgelegten Datei ermitteln

Ich baue ein kleines HTA für den persönlichen Gebrauch, und möchte in der Lage sein, eine Datei auf die Schnittstelle zu ziehen und abzulegen. Sobald die Datei abgelegt ist, würde ich sie entweder automatisch ausführen (vorausgesetzt, sie entspricht einigen von mir festgelegten Parametern, wie z. B. der Dateierweiterung), oder zumindest das Eingabefeld auf der HTA-Schnittstelle ausfüllen.

Ich habe ausgiebig gesucht, kann aber keine Lösung finden. Was denken Sie?


Ich kann bestätigen, dass es möglich ist, die Drag&Drop-Funktionalität für Dateien und Ordner im HTA-Fenster mit " Web-Browser "(keine Notwendigkeit, ActiveX-Objekte von Drittanbietern, HTML5 oder Manipulationen an der Registrierung zu verwenden).

Sein eingeschalteter "RegisterAsDropTarget"-Parameter ermöglicht solche Operationen, während der "Web Browser" selbst in jedem Windows seit XP oder 2000 standardmäßig eingebaut ist. Auf diese Weise funktioniert er für Eingabedateien, die in einem beliebigen Gebietsschema benannt sind (Unterstützung von Unicode-Namen), während z. B. WScript und CScript dies standardmäßig nicht unterstützen.

Nachfolgend finden Sie ein Beispiel, das als eigenständige Komponente mit vielen benutzerdefinierten Funktionen einschließlich Stilen und Hintergründen implementiert wurde. Sie funktioniert sowohl für 64- als auch für 32-Bit-Ordnerpfade und kann in den DOM-Baum für bestimmte Fenster eingefügt werden.

Speichern Sie den nachstehenden Quellcode als Textdatei und ändern Sie seine Erweiterung in "hta". Starten Sie dann die erhaltene Anwendung durch einen Doppelklick darauf.

Extended Drop Target v1.1.4 (https://tastyscriptsforfree.wix.com/page/scripts)
Copyright 2017-2020 Vladimir Samarets. All rights reserved.

Release date: November 9, 2020.

Use this script sample entirely at your own risk.
This script sample is copyrighted freeware and I am not responsible for any damage or data loss it could unintentionally cause.
You may modify it but please leave a comment with direct link to https://tastyscriptsforfree.wix.com/page/scripts in that case.

offscreenBuffering = true;                                                                                       //postpone the application window appearance till its UI is ready
var O = function(o){return new ActiveXObject(o);},
WSS = O('WScript.Shell'),
env = WSS.Environment('Process'),
head = document.documentElement.firstChild,                                                      //head
PID;                                                                                                                         //PID of 64 bit HTA instance

if(!env('is64bit'))                                                                                                      //indicates whether the application is launched as 64 bit or not
    !function hide(e){try{moveTo(10000, 10000);}catch(e){try{hide();}catch(e){hide();}}}();                                  //hiding the application window
    head.insertBefore(document.createElement('<hta:application showInTaskBar=0>'), head.firstChild);        //hiding the application in the Taskbar

    var WMI=                                                                                                            //a small library written by me for obtaining WMI instance, its common methods and properties
    {                                                                                                                           //below is a sample of creating a process with certain window shifts and environment variables
                                                                                                                                //and obtaining its <ProcessId> by using WMI
        SWL:new ActiveXObject('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator'),
            var s = WMI.PS.SpawnInstance_();
            for(var i in p)
                s[i] = p[i];
            return s;
        Create:function(c, s, d)
            var CreateIn = WMI.CreateIn.SpawnInstance_();
            CreateIn.CommandLine = c;
            CreateIn.ProcessStartupInformation = s;
            CreateIn.CurrentDirectory = d;
            return WMI.PRC.ExecMethod_('Create', CreateIn).ProcessId;
    WMI.PRC = (WMI.WM = WMI.SWL.ConnectServer('.', 'root/cimv2')).Get('Win32_Process');
    WMI.PS = WMI.WM.Get('Win32_ProcessStartup');
    WMI.CreateIn = WMI.PRC.Methods_('Create').InParameters;

    var ID = O('Scriptlet.TypeLib').GUID.substr(0, 38),                                             //the unique ID obtaining
    EV = 'is64bit='+ID;                                                                                              //passing the unique ID to 64 bit HTA instance as an Environment variable
    for(var items = new Enumerator(env); !items.atEnd(); items.moveNext())
        EV += '?' + items.item();                                                                                  //obtaining all Environment variables for current process

    PID = WMI.Create                                                                                               //obtaining PID of 64 bit HTA instance
            'mshta "' + decodeURIComponent(location.pathname) + '"',                     //current path
                    X:10000, Y:10000,                                                                              //hiding the application window before it is shown in order to resize it smoothly
                        EV.split('?')                                                                                      //obtaining an array of all Environment variables by using this approach is universal for different
                                                                                                                                //versions of Windows
                        [                                                                                                       //another way to pass certain Environment variables
                            'is64bit='+ID,                                                                              //indicates that the application is launched as 64 bit
                            'SystemRoot='+env('SystemRoot'),                                           //for start
                            'SystemDrive='+env('SystemDrive'),                                         //for hyperlinks
                            'TEMP='+env('TEMP'),                                                                //for "mailto" links
                            'CommonProgramW6432='+env('CommonProgramW6432')     //for ADODB.Stream

    head.firstChild.insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', '<object id=' + ID + ' PID=' + PID +
        ' classid=clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2><param name=RegisterAsBrowser value=1>');      //registering current HTA window in collection of windows

    showModalDialog('javascript:for(var ws=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application").Windows(),i=ws.Count;i-->0;)if((w=ws.Item(i))&&w.id=="'+ID+'"){w.s=document.Script;break;}', 0,
        'dialogWidth:0;unadorned:1;');                                                                       //silent stop of the script and obtaining window focus for "AppActivate"
    close();onerror=function(){close();};throw 0;                                                     //declining any further attempts of executing the rest statements of the code

var w,dt=new Date();
head.insertBefore(document.createElement('<hta:application contextMenu=no selection=no scroll=no>'), head.firstChild);      //adding custom HTA header dynamically
document.title='Extended Drop Target';
resizeTo(800, 400);
for(var ws = O('Shell.Application').Windows(), i = ws.Count; i -- > 0;)
    if((w = ws.Item(i)) && w.id == env('is64bit'))
        PID = w.PID;
        w.document.Script.WSS.AppActivate(PID);                                                                                                                            //using "WScript.Shell" in focus to activate
                                                                                                                                                                                                          //the application window of 64 bit HTA instance;
                                                                                                                                                                                                          //remember that "WScript.Shell" should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                          //in focus in order "AppActivate" to work properly

document.write('<body>');                                                                                      //obtaining body
if(w && w.id == env('is64bit'))
    w.s.close();                                                                                                         //closing previous 32 bit HTA instance while being in safe focus

document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Debug screen (for test purposes only):'));
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('<textarea id=result cols=85 rows=5>'));
document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Extended Drop Target:'));

        function createDropTarget(doc, filesAllowed, foldersAllowed, dTStyle, hdFont, wMColor, dMColor, pMColor, eMColor, process, resolve, msg, dBgImage, bBgImage,
            description, redirect)
            var dropTarget = doc.createElement('<span style="' + dTStyle + '">'),

            ms = dropTarget.appendChild
                doc.createElement('<span style="width:100%;height:100%;padding:10px;overflow:hidden;">')
            ),                                                                                                                  //message screen that hides Web Browser during dropped items processing

            WB = '<object classid=clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2 style="width:100%;height:100%;"><param name=Location value="about:<body onload=\'b=0;\'' +
                ' ondragover=(function(){clearTimeout(b);b=setTimeout(\'location.reload();\',100);}()) bgColor=' + dMColor +
                ' style=\'width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;margin:0;border:0;overflow:hidden;\'>'+ (description || '') +'">',
            processing = 1,                                                                                           //indicates whether a dropped item processing is started or not
            processed = 1,                                                                                            //indicates whether a dropped item is processed or not
            DBcatched = 1,                                                                                            //indicates whether DownloadBegin Web Browser event has been catched or not
            allowed,                                                                                                       //indicates whether drop target is allowed or not
            allowedText = (filesAllowed ? foldersAllowed ? msg[32] : msg[33] : foldersAllowed ? msg[34] : ''),      //"Drop a file or folder here."
            WBTReset,                                                                                                  //timeout for Web Browser reset

            startProcessing = function(p)                                                                      //processing the item path received after item drop (item path)
                dropTarget.children[processed = 1].removeNode();
                    var delay = 0;
                    if(p)                                                                                                      //the item can be accessed
                        sM(msg[38] + p + '</div>', pMColor);                                              //show "Processing"
                        var dt = new Date(),                                                                         //date before processing
                        e;                                                                                                     //error ID
                        try{e = process(p);}catch(e){e = 43;}                                               //unknown error occured
                        dt = new Date() - dt;                                                                         //date after processing
                        delay += dt>1000 ? 0 : 1000 - dt;
                        if(!e)                                                                                                 //no errors occured
                            setTimeout(function(){sM(msg[39] + createDropTarget.timeToHMSR(dt) + ' =-</div>', pMColor);}, delay);       //show "Processed in"
                        else                                                                                                 //an error occured
                            var err;
                            setTimeout(function(){sM(msg[39] + createDropTarget.timeToHMSR(dt) + ' =-</div><br>' + msg[e], eMColor);}, delay);      //show "Processed in" with error
                                delay += 1000;
                    else                                                                                                     //the item can't be accessed
                        sM(msg[40] + msg[41] + allowedText + msg[42], eMColor);          //show "The item is not a file or folder, can't be accessed or its size is too big."
                        delay += 1000;

                    sDM(delay + 1000);
                }, 1000);

            setWBTReset = function(r)                                                                          //setting a timeout for Web Browser reset (reset)
                    processing = 1;
                    ms.style.display = '';
                        WBTReset = setTimeout(startProcessing, 1000);

            DB = function()                                                                                            //catching "DownloadBegin" Web Browser event
                DBcatched = 1;

            STC = function(p)                                                                                         //catching "StatusTextChange" Web Browser event (item path)
                if(!processed && /file:|</.test(p))
                        startProcessing(filesAllowed ? decodeURIComponent(p).replace(/.+:((?:\/{3})|(?=\/{2}))(.+)...$/,'$2').replace(/\//g,'\\') : 0);
                    else if(/</.test(p))
                        if(!DBcatched)                                                                                  //indicates that drop target is leaved without drop
                            processed = 1;
                            sM(msg[31] + allowedText + msg[35] + '</div>', dMColor, dBgImage);      //show "Drop a file or folder here."
                            allowed = 1;
                            ms.style.display = '';
                        else                                                                                                 //shortcuts with complex structure

            NC2 = function(o, p)                                                                                     //catching "NavigateComplete2" Web Browser event (Web Browser object, item path)
                    startProcessing(foldersAllowed && typeof p == 'string' && p.match(/^[^:]/) ? p : 0);

            NE = function()                                                                                             //catching "NavigateError" Web Browser event

            sM = function(m, c, bgImage)                                                                      //show message (message, background or text color, background image)
                if(dBgImage || bBgImage)
                        ms.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + bgImage + ')';
                    ms.style.color = c;
                    ms.style.backgroundColor = c;
                m = '<div style="font:' + hdFont + ';">' + m;
                    ms.innerHTML = m;

            sDM = function(delay)                                                                                 //show default message (delay)
                setTimeout(function(){allowed = 1;}, delay);
                setTimeout(function(){if(allowed)sM((allowedText ? msg[31] + allowedText + msg[35] : msg[36]) + '</div>', dMColor, dBgImage);}, delay + 100);     //show "Drop a file or folder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             //here." or "Drop Target is
            }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                //disabled."

            sM(msg[30], wMColor, dBgImage);                                                             //show welcome message

                if(allowed && (filesAllowed || foldersAllowed) && !event.dataTransfer.getData('text'))      //text dropping is not allowed
                    return false;

            ms.ondragover = function()
                if(allowed && (filesAllowed || foldersAllowed) && !event.dataTransfer.getData('text'))      //text dropping is not allowed
                    if(!Math.abs(event.x - this.x) && !Math.abs(event.y - this.y))              //accepting only slow mouse motion
                        this.style.display = 'none';
                        DBcatched = allowed = processing = processed = 0;
                        sM(msg[37], dMColor, bBgImage);                                                 //show "Analysing..."
                    this.x = event.x;
                    this.y = event.y;
                    return false;

            !(createDropTarget = function()
                dropTarget.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', WB);
                    RegisterAsDropTarget = Silent = Offline = 1;
                    attachEvent('DownloadBegin', DB);
                    attachEvent('StatusTextChange', STC);
                    attachEvent('NavigateComplete2', NC2);
                    attachEvent('NavigateError', NE);

            createDropTarget.timeToHMSR = function(d)                                             //convert date to hours, minutes, seconds and remainder (milliseconds) notation (date)
                var r = d % 3600000,
                h = d / 3600000 ^ 0,                                                                                 //hours
                m = r / 60000 ^ 0,                                                                                     //minutes
                s = r % 60000 / 1000 ^ 0;                                                                         //seconds
                r = d % 1000;                                                                                           //remainder (milliseconds)
                return ((h ? h + 'h' : '') + (m ? (h ? ' ' : '') + m + 'm' : '') + (s ? (h || m ? ' ' : '') + s + 's' : '') + (r ? (h || m || s ? ' ' : '') + r + 'ms' : '')) || '0ms';

            sDM(3000);                                                                                                  //postponing Web Browser access while it generates its events at start

            return dropTarget;
            //BEGIN of Extended Drop Target custom settings

            document,                                                                                                   //"document" object of certain window
            1,                                                                                                                 //indicates whether processing of files is allowed or not
            1,                                                                                                                 //indicates whether processing of folders is allowed or not
            'width:350px;height:150px;border:2px blue solid;font:bold 10pt Arial;text-align:center;cursor:default;overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;',       //drop target style
            'bold 12pt Tahoma',                                                                                    //message header font
            'yellow',                                                                                                       //welcome message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise
            'mediumaquamarine',                                                                                 //default message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise
            'limegreen',                                                                                                 //processing message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise
            'salmon',                                                                                                     //error message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise

            function(p)                                                                                                   //data processing sample (file or folder path)
                alert('Here goes data processing sample.\n\nProcessing:\n' + p);
                //throw 1;                                                                                                 //unknown error occured
                //return 1;                                                                                                //certain error 1 occured
                return 0;                                                                                                  //no errors

            function(e)                                                                                                   //error resolving sample (error ID)
                    case 1:
                        result.value = '\nCertain error 1 is catched.';                                  //additional action sample for certain error 1
                        result.value = '\nAn unknown error is catched.';                             //additional action sample for an unknown error
                file.Close();                                                                                              //built-in silent catching of errors if certain error resolving method is still inaccessible

            {                                                                                                                   //list of all messages for Extended Drop Target
                30: 'Welcome!</div><br>Hello World!',                                                 //welcome message
                31: 'Drop a ',                                                                                           //31, 32, 33, 34, 35 - "Drop a file or folder here."
                32: 'file or folder',
                33: 'file',
                34: 'folder',
                35: ' here.',
                36: 'Drop Target is disabled.',
                37: '-= Analysing... =-</div>',
                38: '-= Processing =-</div><br><div style="text-align:left;">',
                39: '-= Processed in ',
                40: "-= Can't be processed =-</div><br>",
                41: 'The item is not a ',                                                                           //41, 32, 33, 34, 42 - "The item is not a file or folder,<br>can't be accessed or its size is too big."
                42: ",<br>can't be accessed or its size is too big.",
                43: 'An unknown error occured.',                                                            //unknown error message
                1: 'Certain error 1 occured.'                                                                   //certain error 1 message
                                                                                                                                //certain error # message

            //,'C:\\Windows\\Web\\Screen\\img103.png'                                               //default background image or "undefined" (optional)
            //,'C:\\Windows\\Web\\Screen\\img102.jpg'                                                //busy mode background image or "undefined" (optional)

            //,'<div style=\'font:10pt Tahoma;padding:20px;\'>List of files supported by default.</div>'
                                                                                                                                //description length depends on the message language or its actual bytes count or "undefined" (optional)

            //,function(m){result.value = m;}                                                                  //sample for receiving messages or "undefined" (optional)

            //END of Extended Drop Target custom settings

result.value = '\nLoading time for 64 bit instance (if possible): ' + createDropTarget.timeToHMSR(new Date() - dt) + '.';
moveTo(screen.availWidth / 2 - 400, screen.availHeight / 2 - 200);



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