Ich schreibe ein kleines Bluetooth-basiertes serielles Steuerprogramm, das mit einem seriellen BT-Modem auf einem Mikrocontroller-Board kommuniziert. Es basiert hauptsächlich auf dem Android BluetoothChat Beispielprogramm.
Wenn ich das Programm zum ersten Mal von Eclipse aus starte, wird es installiert und läuft einwandfrei. Ich habe jedoch festgestellt, dass es ein Problem gibt, bei dem das Telefon unglaublich langsam läuft, wenn ich Änderungen an dem Programm vornehme und es erneut ausführe. Dies wird im Aktivitätsmanager als btld verbraucht 94 % der CPU-Ressourcen angezeigt. Die einzige Lösung ist, den Akku zu entfernen und das Telefon neu zu starten. Ich habe versucht, in die Aktivitäten zu gehen und alles zu stoppen, was mit BT zu tun hat, aber das hilft auch nicht.
Außerdem habe ich es gerade mit dem Standard-BluetoothChat-Programm von Android getestet, und es tut dasselbe. Es ist nicht spezifisch für meinen zusätzlichen Code.
Nach einigen Experimenten glaube ich auch, dass das Problem auftritt, wenn die Anwendung gestoppt wird, was passiert, wenn Sie sie zwangsweise stoppen oder wenn ein neues Paket installiert wird. Es ist unglaublich ärgerlich geworden, da ich jedes Mal, wenn es passiert, neu starten oder den Akku entfernen muss - was ein 5-minütiger Prozess sein kann. Nicht ideal für die Fehlersuche.
Ich führe dies auf einem HTC Inspire 4G (2.2) aus und verwende Eclipse (Java), etc.
Meine Fragen sind:
Wie kann ich btld davon abhalten, Ressourcen zu verbrauchen?
Was noch wichtiger ist: Was ist die Ursache dafür, und gibt es etwas, das ich in meinem Code anders machen sollte?
Für weitere Informationen habe ich die Ausgabe von DDMS während des Programmschlusses und des Ausschaltens von BT. Es sieht so aus, als hätte der DVM Schwierigkeiten, den BT-Dienst zu beenden. Ich habe viele der Debug-Meldungen entfernt, sofern sie sich nicht auf Bluetooth usw. beziehen.
07-06 19:54:10.334: INFO/ActivityManager(1290): Force stopping package com.*******.*******.controller uid=10149
07-06 19:54:10.341: ERROR/PhoneApp(1446): -- PackageChangeBroadcastReceiver action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED
07-06 19:54:10.441: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Tracked app 3520 died
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS-WRAPPER(1592): rx_data: socket disconnected.
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): detach_client: ######## Detached client subsystem (BTS) fd -1 ########
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): detach_client: @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* (BTS) - close(-1)
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): btl_if_notify_local_event: Notify local event BTLIF_SUBSYSTEM_DETACHED
07-06 19:54:10.441: DEBUG/(1592): btlif_bts_api_ctrl_cb: btlif_bts_api_ctrl_cb : id BTLIF_SUBSYSTEM_DETACHED (4113) on hdl 25
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/(1592): btlif_rfc_ctrl_chan_detached: client detached ctrl handle -1
07-06 19:54:48.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:54:48.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:54:48.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 0, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:54:49.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:54:49.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:54:49.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 0, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:54:53.611: WARN/ResourceType(1794): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090014 (t=8 e=20) in package 0: 0xffffffb5
07-06 19:54:59.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:54:59.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:54:59.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 1, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 1, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:55:00.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:00.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:55:00.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 1, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 1, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:55:14.641: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:14.641: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:55:14.641: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 1, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 1, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:55:26.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): waitForCondition(ReallocateCondition) timed out (identity=71, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:26.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): mutex_flags = a0
07-06 19:55:26.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000002, inUse= 0, identity=71, status=0
07-06 19:55:27.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): waitForCondition(ReallocateCondition) timed out (identity=71, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:27.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): mutex_flags = a0
07-06 19:55:27.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000002, inUse= 0, identity=71, status=0
07-06 19:55:28.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): waitForCondition(ReallocateCondition) timed out (identity=71, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:28.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): mutex_flags = a0
07-06 19:55:28.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000002, inUse= 0, identity=71, status=0
07-06 19:55:44.631: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Already release wake lock for discoverable mode
07-06 19:55:44.631: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Bluetooth state 12 -> 13
07-06 19:55:44.641: DEBUG/BluetoothHandsfree(1446): audioOff(): mPendingSco: false, mScoSocket: , mA2dpState: 0, mA2dpSuspended: false
07-06 19:55:44.641: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (SCO) 0 pbytes (hdl 52)
07-06 19:55:44.641: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(1290): A2DP profile has been disconnected
07-06 19:55:44.641: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (SCO) 0 pbytes (hdl 52)
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: btl_if_close (50)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: [btl_if_close] : (50:50), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (AG) 2 pbytes (hdl 49)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [50] (50:50) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 50 from active list [ad3b32b8]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 50 from active list [ad3b32b8]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): ws_async_del: [ws_async_del] : (-1:-1), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: btl_if_close (51)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: [btl_if_close] : (51:51), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (AG) 2 pbytes (hdl 49)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [51] (51:51) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3b3b18]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3b3b18]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/WifiService(1290): setWifiEnabled( mAirplaneModeOverwridden=)false
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): ws_async_del: [ws_async_del] : (-1:-1), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BluetoothHeadsetService(1446): Headset profile has been disconnected
07-06 19:55:45.621: VERBOSE/BluetoothDataGatewayService(1290): #### DataGateway Service Received message ####
07-06 19:55:45.621: INFO/BrcmBtServiceLoader(1290): ***Received Bluetooth UNKNOWN_STATE_CHANGE Event**** : 13
07-06 19:55:45.641: VERBOSE/BtEventReceiver(2047): #### Received Bluetooth State Change Action ####
07-06 19:55:45.641: INFO/BluetoothService(1290): Got ACTION_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED, profile = 2
07-06 19:55:46.641: INFO/BluetoothService(1290): Got ACTION_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED, profile = 1
07-06 19:55:52.611: INFO/BluetoothService(1290): Got ACTION_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED, profile = 3
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): bt_disable
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): bt_disable: BT_LOCK_MUTEX()
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# BTON_FMOFF_handling
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# BTON_FMOFF_handling : receiving BT_OFF
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# Stopping bluetoothd, try 10 times before giving-up ...
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): ## bluetoothd terminate (15) ##
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): main loop exiting
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): hcid main loop exiting
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1651): dtun_client_stop : iface [DTUN_INTERFACE] stopping...
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1651): Removing adapter /org/bluez/1651/hci0
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): Removing device /org/bluez/1651/hci0/dev_00_06_66_04_11_88
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): btd_device_unref(0xf518): ref=0
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): device_free(0xf518)
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): Removing device /org/bluez/1651/hci0/dev_00_1F_E2_DE_87_DD
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): btd_device_unref(0xf7e8): ref=1
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1651): btd_adapter_unref(0xf180): ref=0
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1651): adapter_free(0xf180)
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/dhcp_util(1290): dhcp_stop fail. cnt: 1
07-06 19:55:55.631: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): btl_cfg_set_bluetoothd_pid : service.brcm.bt.bluetoothd_pid = 0
07-06 19:55:55.641: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): btl_cfg_set_bluetoothd_pid success : service.brcm.bt.bluetoothd_pid = 0, ret = 0
07-06 19:55:56.611: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$#$# Stopping btld, try 10 times before giving-up ...
07-06 19:55:56.631: DEBUG/WifiStateTracker(1290): Reset connections and stopping DHCP
07-06 19:55:56.711: VERBOSE/BTL_CFG(1592): btl_cfg_get_soft_onoff_enabled : service.brcm.bt.soft_onoff = 0
07-06 19:55:56.711: VERBOSE/BTL_CFG(1592): btl_cfg_get_soft_onoff_enabled : service.brcm.bt.soft_onoff = 0
07-06 19:55:56.711: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): BTL_IF_UnregisterSubSystem: Unregistered subsystem [FM]
07-06 19:55:57.651: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
07-06 19:55:57.651: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): EXTRA_STATE = 13
07-06 19:55:57.651: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-setBluetoothStateInt :13
07-06 19:55:57.661: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): BTL_IF_ServerShutdown: BTL-IF Server shutting down...
07-06 19:55:59.611: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-getBluetoothState :13
07-06 19:56:00.711: WARN/BTLD(1592): BTA got unregistered event id 6
07-06 19:56:01.611: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [51,52,53]
07-06 19:56:01.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 51, how 2
07-06 19:56:01.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_wait_response: unblocked fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_poll: set errno 125 (Operation Canceled) l.2029
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_accept:ended poll socket fd:51, ret:-1
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 53
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_destroy
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [51,52,53]
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 51, how 2
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 53
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 53
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (53)
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 52
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (52)
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 51
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.631: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): __close_prot_rfcomm: fd 51
07-06 19:56:01.631: INFO/BTL_IFC(1939): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_CANCEL (BTS) 8 pbytes (hdl 50)
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [51] (51:51) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3f73ac]
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3f73ac]
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btsk_dump_list: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btsk_free: success
07-06 19:56:01.761: INFO/BTL-BTAPP_AV(1592): AV disabled
07-06 19:56:02.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): BTA got unregistered event id 8
07-06 19:56:02.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): BTA got unregistered event id 12
07-06 19:56:03.641: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [54,55,56]
07-06 19:56:03.651: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 54, how 2
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:03.651: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:03.651: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_wait_response: unblocked fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_poll: set errno 125 (Operation Canceled) l.2029
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_accept:ended poll socket fd:54, ret:-1
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 56
07-06 19:56:03.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:03.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_destroy
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [54,55,56]
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 54, how 2
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 56
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 56
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (56)
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 55
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (55)
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 54
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): __close_prot_rfcomm: fd 54
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BTL_IFC(1939): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_CANCEL (BTS) 8 pbytes (hdl 50)
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [54] (54:54) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 54 from active list [ad3f7c0c]
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 54 from active list [ad3f7c0c]
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btsk_free: success
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:16.611: ERROR/bluedroid(1290): btld stop timed out
07-06 19:56:16.611: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# New state is BTOFF_FMOFF_handling
07-06 19:56:16.611: INFO/bluedroid(1290): bt_disable: BT_UNLOCK_MUTEX()
07-06 19:56:23.641: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-getBluetoothState :13
07-06 19:57:23.611: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Bluetooth state 13 -> 10
07-06 19:57:23.631: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
07-06 19:57:24.611: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): EXTRA_STATE = 10
07-06 19:57:24.611: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-setBluetoothStateInt :10
07-06 19:57:24.621: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(1203): asec list
07-06 19:57:28.631: VERBOSE/BluetoothDataGatewayService(1290): #### DataGateway Service Received message ####
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BrcmBtServiceLoader(1290): ***Received Bluetooth OFF Event****
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): onBluetoothDisabled()
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): ***stopService(): Stopping service: bluetooth_ftp***
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_ftp_FTPService.cpp(1290): disableFtpServerNative
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BTL_IFC(1290): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_FTPS_DISABLE (FTPS) 0 pbytes (hdl 0)
07-06 19:57:28.631: ERROR/BTL_IFC(1290): ##### ERROR : tx_data: write failed (-1)#####
07-06 19:57:28.631: ERROR/BTL_IFC(1290): ##### ERROR : BTL_IFC_CtrlSend: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send failed#####
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_ftp_FTPService.cpp(1290): Unregister Sub system SUB_FTPS
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): ***stopService(): Stopping service: bluetooth_pbs***
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_pbap_PBAPService.cpp(1290): disablePbapServerNative
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BTL_IFC(1290): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_PBS_DISABLE (PBS) 0 pbytes (hdl 147)
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_pbap_PBAPService.cpp(1290): Send Disable Command Successfully
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_pbap_PBAPService.cpp(1290): Unregister Sub system SUB_PBS
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BluetoothPBAPService(1290): onPbapDisabled
07-06 19:57:35.641: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): ServiceStateChanged: bluetooth_pbs, 1
07-06 19:57:35.641: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): Finishing service bluetooth_pbs