OK, ich hatte etwas Spaß.
Erstellen Sie eine Klasse namens FuncEval:
Option Explicit
Dim output_ As Double
Dim input_() As Double
Public Property Get VectArr() As Double()
VectArr = input_
End Property
Public Function Vect(i As Integer)
Vect = input_(i)
End Function
Public Sub SetVect(ByRef newVect() As Double)
Dim i As Integer
ReDim input_(LBound(newVect) To UBound(newVect)) As Double
For i = LBound(newVect) To UBound(newVect)
input_(i) = newVect(i)
Next i
End Sub
Public Property Get Result() As Double
Result = output_
End Property
Public Property Let Result(newRes As Double)
output_ = newRes
End Property
Und eine Klasse namens Func:
Option Explicit
Private cube_ As Double
Public Property Let Cube(newCube As Double)
cube_ = newCube
End Property
Public Function Eval(ByRef val() As Double) As FuncEval
Dim ret As New FuncEval
ret.Result = Abs(cube_ - val(0) * val(0) * val(0))
ret.SetVect val
Set Eval = ret
End Function
Fügen Sie diesen Code nun in ein Standardmodul ein:
Option Explicit
Function NelderMead(f As Func, _
ByRef guess() As Double) As Double()
'Algorithm follows that outlined here:
'Used as the perturbation for the initial guess when guess(i) == 0
Dim zeroPert As Double
zeroPert = 0.00025
'The factor each element of guess(i) is multiplied by to obtain the
'initial simplex
Dim pertFact As Double
pertFact = 1.05
Dim eps As Double
eps = 0.000000000001
Dim shrink As Boolean
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer
Dim simplex() As Variant
Dim origVal As Double, lowest As Double
Dim m() As Double, r() As Double, s() As Double, c() As Double, cc() As Double, diff() As Double
Dim FE As FuncEval, FR As FuncEval, FS As FuncEval, FC As FuncEval, FCC As FuncEval, newFE As FuncEval
n = UBound(guess) - LBound(guess) + 1
ReDim m(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
ReDim r(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
ReDim s(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
ReDim c(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
ReDim cc(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
ReDim diff(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double
ReDim simplex(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess) + 1) As Variant
Set simplex(LBound(simplex)) = f.Eval(guess)
'Generate the simplex
For i = LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)
origVal = guess(i)
If origVal = 0 Then
guess(i) = zeroPert
guess(i) = pertFact * origVal
End If
Set simplex(LBound(simplex) + i - LBound(guess) + 1) = f.Eval(guess)
guess(i) = origVal
Next i
'Sort the simplex by f(x)
For i = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(simplex)
If simplex(i).Result > simplex(j).Result Then
Set FE = simplex(i)
Set simplex(i) = simplex(j)
Set simplex(j) = FE
End If
Next j
Next i
Set newFE = Nothing
shrink = False
lowest = simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result
'Calculate m
For i = LBound(m) To UBound(m)
m(i) = 0
For j = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) - 1
m(i) = m(i) + simplex(j).Vect(i)
Next j
m(i) = m(i) / n
Next i
'Calculate the reflected point
For i = LBound(r) To UBound(r)
r(i) = 2 * m(i) - simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i)
Next i
Set FR = f.Eval(r)
'Check acceptance conditions
If (simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result <= FR.Result) And (FR.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex) - 1).Result) Then
'Accept r, replace the worst value and iterate
Set newFE = FR
ElseIf FR.Result < simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result Then
'Calculate the expansion point, s
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
s(i) = m(i) + 2 * (m(i) - simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i))
Next i
Set FS = f.Eval(s)
If FS.Result < FR.Result Then
Set newFE = FS
Set newFE = FR
End If
ElseIf FR.Result >= simplex(UBound(simplex) - 1).Result Then
'Perform a contraction between m and the better of x(n+1) and r
If FR.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result Then
'Contract outside
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
c(i) = m(i) + (r(i) - m(i)) / 2
Next i
Set FC = f.Eval(c)
If FC.Result < FR.Result Then
Set newFE = FC
shrink = True
End If
'Contract inside
For i = LBound(cc) To UBound(cc)
cc(i) = m(i) + (simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i) - m(i)) / 2
Next i
Set FCC = f.Eval(cc)
If FCC.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result Then
Set newFE = FCC
shrink = True
End If
End If
End If
'Shrink if required
If shrink Then
For i = LBound(simplex) + 1 To UBound(simplex)
For j = LBound(simplex(i).VectArr) To UBound(simplex(i).VectArr)
diff(j) = simplex(LBound(simplex)).Vect(j) + (simplex(i).Vect(j) - simplex(LBound(simplex)).Vect(j)) / 2
Next j
Set simplex(i) = f.Eval(diff)
Next i
End If
'Insert the new element in place
If Not newFE Is Nothing Then
For i = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex)
If simplex(i).Result > newFE.Result Then
For j = UBound(simplex) To i + 1 Step -1
Set simplex(j) = simplex(j - 1)
Next j
Set simplex(i) = newFE
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
Loop Until (simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result - simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result) < eps
NelderMead = simplex(LBound(simplex)).VectArr
End Function
Function test(cube, guess) As Double
Dim f As New Func
Dim guessVec(0 To 0) As Double
Dim Result() As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim output As String
f.cube = cube
guessVec(0) = guess
Result = NelderMead(f, guessVec)
test = Result(0)
End Function
Die Klasse Func enthält Ihre Restfunktion. Die NelderMead-Methode erfordert nur die Result-Methode der Func-Klasse. Sie können also mit der Func-Klasse machen, was Sie wollen, solange die Eval-Methode einen Vektor der gleichen Länge wie Ihre anfängliche Schätzung behandelt und ein FuncEval-Objekt zurückgibt.
Rufen Sie die Testfunktion auf, um sie in Aktion zu sehen. Hinweis: Ich habe noch nicht mit mehrdimensionalen Vektoren getestet, ich muss noch raus.
Edit: Vorschlag zur Verallgemeinerung der Funktionsübergabe
Sie müssen eine Reihe verschiedener Klassen für unterschiedliche Probleme erstellen. Um die Funktion NelderMead allgemein zu halten, müssen Sie ihre Deklarationszeile wie folgt ändern:
Function NelderMead(f As Object, _
ByRef guess() As Double) As Double()
Was auch immer f ist, es muss immer eine Eval-Methode haben, die ein Array von Doubles annimmt.
Bearbeiten: Funktionsübergabe, wahrscheinlich die (dumme) Art, wie es in VBA gemacht werden soll
Function f(x() As Double) As Double
f = x(0) * x(0)
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim x(0 To 0) As Double
x(0) = 5
Debug.Print Application.Run("f", x)
End Sub
Mit dieser Methode würden Sie die folgende Erklärung erhalten:
Function NelderMead(f As String, _
ByRef guess() As Double) As Double()
Rufen Sie dann f mit der obigen Application.Run-Syntax auf. Sie müssen auch innerhalb der Funktion ein paar Änderungen vornehmen. Es ist nicht schön, aber ehrlich gesagt war es anfangs auch nicht so schön.