Diese erste Abfrage erfasst alle Transaktionsdetails für einen bestimmten Datumsbereich Dies ist jedoch knifflig, ich brauche eigentlich die Summe der Summen in dieser Abfrage, wenn das einen Sinn macht.
SELECT td.transaction_id,
sum( IF( coalesce(ti.na, -1) = 0
AND coalesce(ti.special_info_type, -1) = 0
AND coalesce(ti.item_type, '') = 'P'
AND coalesce(ti.comp_id, 0) <= 0,
coalesce(disc_amt, 0),
) as disc_sum,
sum( IF( coalesce(ti.na, -1) = 0
AND coalesce(ti.special_info_type, -1) = 0
AND coalesce(ti.item_type, '') = 'P'
AND coalesce(ti.comp_id, 0) > 0,
coalesce(comp_amt, 0),
) as cSM,
sum( IF( coalesce(ti.na, -1) = 0
AND coalesce(ti.special_info_type, -1) = 0
AND coalesce(ti.item_type, '') = 'P'
AND coalesce(ti.comp_id, 0) > 0,
coalesce(comp_tax, 0),
) as cTX
FROM transaction_details td
LEFT OUTER JOIN transaction_items ti
ON ti.transaction_id = td.transaction_id
WHERE td.na = 0
AND td.entry_TS >= ?
AND td.entry_TS < ?
GROUP BY td.transaction_id;
Diese Abfrage wird in einer Schleife für jede von der vorherigen Abfrage zurückgegebene Transaktion ausgeführt.
SELECT count(x.id) as refCnt,
coalesce(sum(x.item_price + x.sub_price), 0) as refAmt,
coalesce(sum(x.efftax), 0) as refTax
SELECT (tiP.item_price - tiP.comp_amt) as item_price,
coalesce(sum(tiA.item_price), 0) as sub_price,
(tiP.efftax - tiP.comp_tax) as efftax,
from transaction_items tiP
left outer join transaction_items tiA
on( tiP.id = tiA.ref_id
and tiA.item_type = 'A'
and tiA.na = 0
where tiP.item_type = 'P'
and tiP.na = 0
and tiP.refund = 1
#and tiP.transaction_id =
group by tiP.id
order by tiP.transaction_id, tiP.order_id
) as x;