Wie kann ich einen JMS-Warteschlangen-Listener in Java (JRE /JDK / J2EE 1.4) instanziieren, der nur Nachrichten empfängt, die einer bestimmten JMSCorrelationID entsprechen? Die Nachrichten, die ich abholen möchte, wurden in einer Warteschlange und nicht in einem Thema veröffentlicht, obwohl sich das bei Bedarf ändern kann.
Hier ist der Code, mit dem ich derzeit die Nachricht in die Warteschlange stelle:
* publishResponseToQueue publishes Requests to the Queue.
* @param jmsQueueFactory -Name of the queue-connection-factory
* @param jmsQueue -The queue name for the request
* @param response -A response object that needs to be published
* @throws ServiceLocatorException -An exception if a request message
* could not be published to the Topic
private void publishResponseToQueue( String jmsQueueFactory,
String jmsQueue,
Response response )
throws ServiceLocatorException {
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() ) {
logger.info( "Begin publishRequestToQueue: " +
jmsQueueFactory + "," + jmsQueue + "," + response );
logger.assertLog( jmsQueue != null && !jmsQueue.equals(""),
"jmsQueue cannot be null" );
logger.assertLog( jmsQueueFactory != null && !jmsQueueFactory.equals(""),
"jmsQueueFactory cannot be null" );
logger.assertLog( response != null, "Request cannot be null" );
try {
Queue queue = (Queue)_context.lookup( jmsQueue );
QueueConnectionFactory factory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
_context.lookup( jmsQueueFactory );
QueueConnection connection = factory.createQueueConnection();
QueueSession session = connection.createQueueSession( false,
ObjectMessage objectMessage = session.createObjectMessage();
objectMessage.setObject( response );
session.createSender( queue ).send( objectMessage );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
//XC3.2 Added/Modified BEGIN
logger.error( "ServiceLocator.publishResponseToQueue - Could not publish the " +
"Response to the Queue - " + e.getMessage() );
throw new ServiceLocatorException( "ServiceLocator.publishResponseToQueue " +
"- Could not publish the " +
"Response to the Queue - " + e.getMessage() );
//XC3.2 Added/Modified END
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() ) {
logger.info( "End publishResponseToQueue: " +
jmsQueueFactory + "," + jmsQueue + response );
} // end of publishResponseToQueue method