Ich muss Sekunden in "Stunde:Minute:Sekunde" umrechnen.
Zum Beispiel: "685" umgewandelt in "00:11:25"
Wie kann ich das erreichen?
Ich muss Sekunden in "Stunde:Minute:Sekunde" umrechnen.
Zum Beispiel: "685" umgewandelt in "00:11:25"
Wie kann ich das erreichen?
Das ist eine schöne Art, das zu tun:
function time_converter($sec_time, $format='h:m:s'){
$hour = intval($sec_time / 3600) >= 10 ? intval($sec_time / 3600) : '0'.intval($sec_time / 3600);
$minute = intval(($sec_time % 3600) / 60) >= 10 ? intval(($sec_time % 3600) / 60) : '0'.intval(($sec_time % 3600) / 60);
$sec = intval(($sec_time % 3600) % 60) >= 10 ? intval(($sec_time % 3600) % 60) : '0'.intval(($sec_time % 3600) % 60);
$format = str_replace('h', $hour, $format);
$format = str_replace('m', $minute, $format);
$format = str_replace('s', $sec, $format);
return $format;
function timeToSecond($time){
$seconds= ($time_parts[0]*86400) + ($time_parts[1]*3600) + ($time_parts[2]*60) + $time_parts[3] ;
return $seconds;
function secondToTime($time){
$seconds = $time % 60;
$seconds<10 ? "0".$seconds : $seconds;
if($seconds<10) {
$time = ($time - $seconds) / 60;
$minutes = $time % 60;
if($minutes<10) {
$time = ($time - $minutes) / 60;
$hours = $time % 24;
if($hours<10) {
$days = ($time - $hours) / 24;
if($days<10) {
$time_arr = array($days,$hours,$minutes,$seconds);
return implode(":",$time_arr);
Wenn Sie das in Javascript tun müssen, können Sie es in nur einer Zeile Code tun, wie hier beantwortet Sekunden in HH-MM-SS mit JavaScript umwandeln . Ersetzen Sie SEKUNDEN mit dem, was Sie umwandeln wollen.
var time = new Date(SECONDS * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8);
In Java können Sie diese Methode verwenden.
private String getHmaa(long seconds) {
String string;
int hours = (int) seconds / 3600;
int remainder = (int) seconds - hours * 3600;
int mins = remainder / 60;
//remainder = remainder - mins * 60;
//int secs = remainder;
if (hours < 12 && hours > 0) {
if (mins < 10) {
string = String.valueOf((hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (mins > 0 ? "0" + mins : "0") + " AM");
} else {
string = String.valueOf((hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (mins > 0 ? mins : "0") + " AM");
} else if (hours >= 12) {
if (mins < 10) {
string = String.valueOf(((hours - 12) < 10 ? "0" + (hours - 12) : ((hours - 12) == 12 ? "0" : (hours - 12))) + ":" + (mins > 0 ? "0" + mins : "0") + ((hours - 12) == 12 ? " AM" : " PM"));
} else {
string = String.valueOf(((hours - 12) < 10 ? "0" + (hours - 12) : ((hours - 12) == 12 ? "0" : (hours - 12))) + ":" + (mins > 0 ? mins : "0") + ((hours - 12) == 12 ? " AM" : " PM"));
} else {
if (mins < 10) {
string = String.valueOf("0" + ":" + (mins > 0 ? "0" + mins : "0") + " AM");
} else {
string = String.valueOf("0" + ":" + (mins > 0 ? mins : "0") + " AM");
return string;
$given = 685;
* In case $given == 86400, gmdate( "H" ) will convert it into '00' i.e. midnight.
* We would need to take this into consideration, and so we will first
* check the ratio of the seconds i.e. $given:$number_of_sec_in_a_day
* and then after multiplying it by the number of hours in a day (24), we
* will just use "floor" to get the number of hours as the rest would
* be the minutes and seconds anyways.
* We can also have minutes and seconds combined in one variable,
* e.g. $min_sec = gmdate( "i:s", $given );
* But for versatility sake, I have taken them separately.
$hours = ( $given > 86399 ) ? '0'.floor( ( $given / 86400 ) * 24 )-gmdate( "H", $given ) : gmdate("H", $given );
$min = gmdate( "i", $given );
$sec = gmdate( "s", $given );
echo $formatted_string = $hours.':'.$min.':'.$sec;
Um sie in eine Funktion umzuwandeln:
function getHoursFormat( $given ){
$hours = ( $given > 86399 ) ? '0'.floor( ( $given / 86400 ) * 24 )-gmdate( "H", $given ) : gmdate("H", $given );
$min = gmdate( "i", $given );
$sec = gmdate( "s", $given );
$formatted_string = $hours.':'.$min.':'.$sec;
return $formatted_string;
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