486 Stimmen

Wie wandelt man URL-Parameter in ein JavaScript-Objekt um?

Ich habe einen String wie diesen:


Wie kann ich sie in ein JavaScript-Objekt wie dieses umwandeln?

  abc: 'foo',
  def: '[asf]',
  xyz: 5


Ag. Punkte 17


function getVar()
    this.length = 0;
    this.keys = [];
    this.push = function(key, value)
        if(key=="") key = this.length++;
        this[key] = value;
        return this[key];

Dann lesen Sie einfach:

function urlElement()
    var thisPrototype = window.location;
    for(var prototypeI in thisPrototype) this[prototypeI] = thisPrototype[prototypeI];
    this.Variables = new getVar();
    if(!this.search) return this;
    var variables = this.search.replace(/\?/g,'').split('&');
    for(var varI=0; varI<variables.length; varI++)
        var nameval = variables[varI].split('=');
        var name = nameval[0].replace(/\]/g,'').split('[');
        var pVariable = this.Variables;
        for(var nameI=0;nameI<name.length;nameI++)
            if(name.length-1==nameI) pVariable.push(name[nameI],nameval[1]);
            else var pVariable = (typeof pVariable[name[nameI]] != 'object')? pVariable.push(name[nameI],new getVar()) : pVariable[name[nameI]];

und verwenden wie:

var mlocation = new urlElement();
mlocation = mlocation.Variables;
for(var key=0;key<mlocation.keys.length;key++)


Gus Punkte 14539

Bauen auf der Grundlage von Antwort von Mike Causer Ich habe diese Funktion erstellt, die mehrere Parameter mit demselben Schlüssel berücksichtigt ( foo=bar&foo=baz ) und auch kommagetrennte Parameter ( foo=bar,baz,bin ). Sie können auch nach einem bestimmten Suchbegriff suchen.

function getQueryParams(queryKey) {
    var queryString = window.location.search;
    var query = {};
    var pairs = (queryString[0] === '?' ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString).split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
        var pair = pairs[i].split('=');
        var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]);
        var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');
        // Se possui uma vírgula no valor, converter em um array
        value = (value.indexOf(',') === -1 ? value : value.split(','));

        // Se a key já existe, tratar ela como um array
        if (query[key]) {
            if (query[key].constructor === Array) {
                // Array.concat() faz merge se o valor inserido for um array
                query[key] = query[key].concat(value);
            } else {
                // Se não for um array, criar um array contendo o valor anterior e o novo valor
                query[key] = [query[key], value];
        } else {
            query[key] = value;

    if (typeof queryKey === 'undefined') {
        return query;
    } else {
        return query[queryKey];

Beispiel Eingabe: foo.html?foo=bar&foo=baz&foo=bez,boz,buz&bar=1,2,3

Beispielhafte Ausgabe

    foo: ["bar","baz","bez","boz","buz"],
    bar: ["1","2","3"]


Duy Hoang Punkte 532

Verwendung von phpjs

function parse_str(str, array) {
  //       discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/parse_str/
  //      original by: Cagri Ekin
  //      improved by: Michael White (http://getsprink.com)
  //      improved by: Jack
  //      improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)
  //      bugfixed by: Onno Marsman
  //      bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)
  //      bugfixed by: stag019
  //      bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)
  //      bugfixed by: MIO_KODUKI (http://mio-koduki.blogspot.com/)
  // reimplemented by: stag019
  //         input by: Dreamer
  //         input by: Zaide (http://zaidesthings.com/)
  //         input by: David Pesta (http://davidpesta.com/)
  //         input by: jeicquest
  //             note: When no argument is specified, will put variables in global scope.
  //             note: When a particular argument has been passed, and the returned value is different parse_str of PHP. For example, a=b=c&d====c
  //             test: skip
  //        example 1: var arr = {};
  //        example 1: parse_str('first=foo&second=bar', arr);
  //        example 1: $result = arr
  //        returns 1: { first: 'foo', second: 'bar' }
  //        example 2: var arr = {};
  //        example 2: parse_str('str_a=Jack+and+Jill+didn%27t+see+the+well.', arr);
  //        example 2: $result = arr
  //        returns 2: { str_a: "Jack and Jill didn't see the well." }
  //        example 3: var abc = {3:'a'};
  //        example 3: parse_str('abc[a][b]["c"]=def&abc[q]=t+5');
  //        returns 3: {"3":"a","a":{"b":{"c":"def"}},"q":"t 5"}

  var strArr = String(str)
    .replace(/^&/, '')
    .replace(/&$/, '')
    sal = strArr.length,
    i, j, ct, p, lastObj, obj, lastIter, undef, chr, tmp, key, value,
    postLeftBracketPos, keys, keysLen,
    fixStr = function(str) {
      return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, '%20'));

  if (!array) {
    array = this.window;

  for (i = 0; i < sal; i++) {
    tmp = strArr[i].split('=');
    key = fixStr(tmp[0]);
    value = (tmp.length < 2) ? '' : fixStr(tmp[1]);

    while (key.charAt(0) === ' ') {
      key = key.slice(1);
    if (key.indexOf('\x00') > -1) {
      key = key.slice(0, key.indexOf('\x00'));
    if (key && key.charAt(0) !== '[') {
      keys = [];
      postLeftBracketPos = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < key.length; j++) {
        if (key.charAt(j) === '[' && !postLeftBracketPos) {
          postLeftBracketPos = j + 1;
        } else if (key.charAt(j) === ']') {
          if (postLeftBracketPos) {
            if (!keys.length) {
              keys.push(key.slice(0, postLeftBracketPos - 1));
            keys.push(key.substr(postLeftBracketPos, j - postLeftBracketPos));
            postLeftBracketPos = 0;
            if (key.charAt(j + 1) !== '[') {
      if (!keys.length) {
        keys = [key];
      for (j = 0; j < keys[0].length; j++) {
        chr = keys[0].charAt(j);
        if (chr === ' ' || chr === '.' || chr === '[') {
          keys[0] = keys[0].substr(0, j) + '_' + keys[0].substr(j + 1);
        if (chr === '[') {

      obj = array;
      for (j = 0, keysLen = keys.length; j < keysLen; j++) {
        key = keys[j].replace(/^['"]/, '')
          .replace(/['"]$/, '');
        lastIter = j !== keys.length - 1;
        lastObj = obj;
        if ((key !== '' && key !== ' ') || j === 0) {
          if (obj[key] === undef) {
            obj[key] = {};
          obj = obj[key];
        } else { // To insert new dimension
          ct = -1;
          for (p in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
              if (+p > ct && p.match(/^\d+$/g)) {
                ct = +p;
          key = ct + 1;
      lastObj[key] = value;


Tallboy Punkte 12124

Viele andere Lösungen berücksichtigen keine Grenzfälle.

Diese behandelt

  • Nulltasten a=1&b=2&
  • ungültige Werte a=1&b
  • leere Werte a=1&b=
  • nicht kodierte Gleichheitszeichen a=1&b=2=3=4

    decodeQueryString: qs => { // expects qs to not have a ? // return if empty qs if (qs === '') return {}; return qs.split('&').reduce((acc, pair) => { // skip no param at all a=1&b=2& if (pair.length === 0) return acc; const parts = pair.split('='); // fix params without value if (parts.length === 1) parts[1] = ''; // for value handle multiple unencoded = signs const key = decodeURIComponent(parts[0]); const value = decodeURIComponent(parts.slice(1).join('=')); acc[key] = value; return acc; }, {}); },


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