407 Stimmen

Konstrukteure in JavaScript-Objekten

Können JavaScript-Klassen/Objekte Konstruktoren haben? Wie werden sie erstellt?


Satish N Ramteare Punkte 197

Dies ist ein Konstruktor:

function MyClass() {}

Wenn Sie das tun

var myObj = new MyClass();

MyClass ausgeführt, und es wird ein neues Objekt dieser Klasse zurückgegeben.


Bruno Punkte 829

Ja, Sie können einen Konstruktor innerhalb einer Klassendeklaration wie dieser definieren:

class Rectangle {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;


bob Punkte 6781

Dieses Muster hat mir gute Dienste geleistet. Mit diesem Muster erstellen Sie Klassen in separaten Dateien und laden sie "nach Bedarf" in Ihre Gesamtanwendung.

// Namespace
// (Creating new if not instantiated yet, otherwise, use existing and just add to it)
var myApp = myApp || {};

// "Package" 
// Similar to how you would establish a package in other languages
(function() {

// "Class"
var MyClass = function(params) {

    // "Private Static" vars 
    //    - Only accessible to functions in this class.
    //    - Doesn't get wiped out when we create a new instance.
    var countInstances = 0;
    var allInstances = [];

    // "Private Static" functions 
    //    - Same as above, but it's a function accessible 
    //      only to other functions in this class.
    function doSomething(){

    // "Public Static" vars
    //    - Everyone has access.
    //    - Doesn't get wiped out when we create a new instance.
    MyClass.counter = 0;

    // "Public Static" functions
    //    - Same as above, but anyone can call this "static method".
    //    - Kinda like a singleton class situation.
    MyClass.foobar = function(){

    // Public properties and methods are built into the "prototype"
    //    - This is how each instance can become unique unto itself.
    //    - Establishing "p" as "local" (Static Private) variable 
    //      simply so we don't have to keep typing "MyClass.prototype" 
    //      for each property and function.
var p = MyClass.prototype;

    // "Public" vars
    p.id = null;
    p.firstname = null;
    p.lastname = null;

    // "Private" vars
    //    - Only used by "this" instance.
    //    - There isn't "true" privacy for each 
    //      instance so we have to fake it. 
    //    - By tradition, we indicate "privacy"  
    //      by prefixing it with an underscore. 
    //    - So technically, anyone can access, but we simply 
    //      don't tell anyone about it (e.g. in your API)
    //      so no one knows about it :)
    p._foo = null;

    p.initialize = function(params){
        this.id = MyClass.counter++;
        this.firstname = params.firstname;
        this.lastname = params.lastname;

    p.doAlert = function(theMessage){
        alert(this.firstname + " " + this.lastname + " said: " + theMessage + ". My id:" + this.id + ".  Total People:" + countInstances + ". First Person:" + allInstances[0].firstname + " " + allInstances[0].lastname);

// Assign class to app
myApp.MyClass = MyClass;

// Close the "Package"

// Usage example:
var bob = new myApp.MyClass({   firstname   :   "bob",
                                lastname    :   "er"

bob.doAlert("hello there");


anasanjaria Punkte 1298

Ich fand dieses Tutorial sehr nützlich. Dieser Ansatz wird von den meisten jQuery-Plug-ins verwendet.


var Class = function(methods) {   
    var klass = function() {    
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);          

    for (var property in methods) { 
       klass.prototype[property] = methods[property];

    if (!klass.prototype.initialize) klass.prototype.initialize = function(){};      

    return klass;    


var Person = Class({ 
    initialize: function(name, age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age  = age;
    toString: function() {
        return "My name is "+this.name+" and I am "+this.age+" years old.";

var alice = new Person('Alice', 26);
alert(alice.name); //displays "Alice"
alert(alice.age); //displays "26"
alert(alice.toString()); //displays "My name is Alice and I am 26 years old" in most browsers.
//IE 8 and below display the Object's toString() instead! "[Object object]"


O.O Punkte 7013

Ich denke, ich werde posten, was ich mit javascript Schließung tun, da niemand ist mit Schließung noch.

var user = function(id) {
  // private properties & methods goes here.
  var someValue;
  function doSomething(data) {
    someValue = data;

  // constructor goes here.
  if (!id) return null;

  // public properties & methods goes here.
  return {
    id: id,
    method: function(params) {

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