488 Stimmen

Postgres und Indizes auf Fremdschlüsseln und Primärschlüsseln

Setzt Postgres automatisch Indizes auf Foreign Keys und Primary Keys? Wie kann ich das feststellen? Gibt es einen Befehl, der alle Indizes für eine Tabelle zurückgibt?


coterobarros Punkte 544

Diese Funktion, die sich auf die Arbeit von Laurenz Albe bei https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/index-your-foreign-key/ alle Fremdschlüssel mit fehlenden Indizes auflisten. Die Größe der Tabelle wird angezeigt, da bei kleinen Tabellen die Scan-Leistung der Index-Leistung überlegen sein könnte.

-- function:    fkeys_missing_indexes
-- purpose:     list all foreing keys in the database without and index in the source table.
-- author:      Laurenz Albe
-- see:         https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/index-your-foreign-key/
create or replace function fkeys_missing_indexes () 
returns table (
  src_table     regclass,
  fk_columns    varchar,
  table_size    varchar,
  fk_constraint name,
  dst_table     regclass
as $$
  -- source table having ta foreign key declaration
  tc.conrelid::regclass as src_table,

  -- ordered list of foreign key columns
  string_agg(ta.attname, ',' order by tx.n) as fk_columns,

  -- source table size
  pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty (
  ) as table_size,

  -- name of the foreign key constraint
  tc.conname as fk_constraint,

  -- name of the target or destination table
  tc.confrelid::regclass as dst_table

from pg_catalog.pg_constraint tc

-- enumerated key column numbers per foreign key
cross join lateral unnest(tc.conkey) with ordinality as tx(attnum, n)

-- name for each key column
join pg_catalog.pg_attribute ta on ta.attnum = tx.attnum and ta.attrelid = tc.conrelid

where not exists (
  -- is there ta matching index for the constraint?
  select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_index i
    i.indrelid = tc.conrelid and 
    -- the first index columns must be the same as the key columns, but order doesn't matter
    (i.indkey::smallint[])[0:cardinality(tc.conkey)-1] @> tc.conkey) and 
    tc.contype = 'f'
  group by 
  order by 
    pg_catalog.pg_relation_size(tc.conrelid) desc;
$$ language sql;

Testen Sie es auf diese Weise,

select * from fkeys_missing_indexes();

werden Sie eine Liste wie diese sehen.

fk_columns            |table_size|fk_constraint                     |dst_table        |
id_group              |0 bytes   |fk_customer__group                |im_group         |
id_product            |0 bytes   |fk_cart_item__product             |im_store_product |
id_tax                |0 bytes   |fk_order_tax_resume__tax          |im_tax           |
id_product            |0 bytes   |fk_order_item__product            |im_store_product |
id_tax                |0 bytes   |fk_invoice_tax_resume__tax        |im_tax           |
id_product            |0 bytes   |fk_invoice_item__product          |im_store_product |
id_article,locale_code|0 bytes   |im_article_comment_id_article_fkey|im_article_locale|


Quassnoi Punkte 396418

Für eine PRIMARY KEY wird ein Index mit der folgenden Meldung erstellt:

NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "index" for table "table" 

Für eine FOREIGN KEY wird die Einschränkung nicht erstellt, wenn es keinen Index für den Verweis gibt. ed Tisch.

Ein Index zum Thema Referenc ing Tabelle ist nicht erforderlich (obwohl erwünscht) und wird daher nicht implizit erstellt.


Mustafa Punkte 4750

Und hier ist ein Bash-Skript, das die SQL generiert, um Indizes für fehlende Indizes für Fremdschlüssel zu erstellen, indem es die SQL von @sergeyB verwendet.


read -r -d '' SQL <<EOM

WITH fk_actions ( code, action ) AS (
    VALUES ( 'a', 'error' ),
        ( 'r', 'restrict' ),
        ( 'c', 'cascade' ),
        ( 'n', 'set null' ),
        ( 'd', 'set default' )
fk_list AS (
    SELECT pg_constraint.oid as fkoid, conrelid, confrelid as parentid,
        conname, relname, nspname,
        fk_actions_update.action as update_action,
        fk_actions_delete.action as delete_action,
        conkey as key_cols
    FROM pg_constraint
        JOIN pg_class ON conrelid = pg_class.oid
        JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
        JOIN fk_actions AS fk_actions_update ON confupdtype = fk_actions_update.code
        JOIN fk_actions AS fk_actions_delete ON confdeltype = fk_actions_delete.code
    WHERE contype = 'f'
fk_attributes AS (
    SELECT fkoid, conrelid, attname, attnum
    FROM fk_list
        JOIN pg_attribute
            ON conrelid = attrelid
            AND attnum = ANY( key_cols )
    ORDER BY fkoid, attnum
fk_cols_list AS (
    SELECT fkoid, array_to_string(array_agg(attname), ':') as cols_list
    FROM fk_attributes
    GROUP BY fkoid
index_list AS (
    SELECT indexrelid as indexid,
        pg_class.relname as indexname,
        indpred is not null as has_predicate,
        pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) as indexdef
    FROM pg_index
        JOIN pg_class ON indexrelid = pg_class.oid
    WHERE indisvalid
fk_index_match AS (
    SELECT fk_list.*,
        indkey::int[] as indexatts,
        array_length(key_cols, 1) as fk_colcount,
        array_length(indkey,1) as index_colcount,
        round(pg_relation_size(conrelid)/(1024^2)::numeric) as table_mb,
    FROM fk_list
        JOIN fk_cols_list USING (fkoid)
        LEFT OUTER JOIN index_list
            ON conrelid = indrelid
            AND (indkey::int2[])[0:(array_length(key_cols,1) -1)] @> key_cols

fk_perfect_match AS (
    SELECT fkoid
    FROM fk_index_match
    WHERE (index_colcount - 1) <= fk_colcount
        AND NOT has_predicate
        AND indexdef LIKE '%USING btree%'
fk_index_check AS (
    SELECT 'no index' as issue, *, 1 as issue_sort
    FROM fk_index_match
    WHERE indexid IS NULL
    SELECT 'questionable index' as issue, *, 2
    FROM fk_index_match
    WHERE indexid IS NOT NULL
        AND fkoid NOT IN (
            SELECT fkoid
            FROM fk_perfect_match)
parent_table_stats AS (
    SELECT fkoid, tabstats.relname as parent_name,
        (n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del + n_tup_hot_upd) as parent_writes,
        round(pg_relation_size(parentid)/(1024^2)::numeric) as parent_mb
    FROM pg_stat_user_tables AS tabstats
        JOIN fk_list
            ON relid = parentid
fk_table_stats AS (
    SELECT fkoid,
        (n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del + n_tup_hot_upd) as writes,
        seq_scan as table_scans
    FROM pg_stat_user_tables AS tabstats
        JOIN fk_list
            ON relid = conrelid
SELECT relname as table_name,
FROM fk_index_check
    JOIN parent_table_stats USING (fkoid)
    JOIN fk_table_stats USING (fkoid)
ORDER BY issue_sort, table_mb DESC, table_name;


psql -h $DB_HOSTNAME -p $DB_PORT -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME -t -A -F"," -c "$SQL" | while read -r line; do
  unset IFS

  printf -- "\n--Index: %s\nDROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s;\n
CREATE INDEX %s\n\t\tON %s USING btree\n\t(%s);
  " "$indexName" "$indexName" "$indexName" "$tableName" "$colsList"


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