Ich versuche, die Funktion in einer entfernten Umgebung mit cPickle zu laden. Aber ich bekomme den Fehler "das Objekt 'module' hat kein Attribut ..." . Wo ich wirklich feststecke ist der Namespace hat bereits enthalten, dass Attribute, auch wenn es nicht zu laden Bitte um Hilfe
import inspect
import cPickle as pickle
from run import run
def get_source(func):
sourcelines = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]
sourcelines[0] = sourcelines[0].lstrip()
return "".join(sourcelines)
def fun(f):
return f()
def fun1():
return 10
funcs = (fun, fun1)
sources = [get_source(func) for func in funcs]
funcs_serialized = pickle.dumps((fun.func_name,sources),0)
args_serialized = pickle.dumps(fun1,0)
#Creating the Environment where fun & fun1 doesnot exist
del globals()['fun']
del globals()['fun1']
r = run()
Hier ist run.py
import cPickle as pickle
class run():
def __init__(self):
def work(self,funcs_serialized,args_serialized):
func, fsources = pickle.loads(funcs_serialized)
fobjs = [compile(fsource, '<string>', 'exec') for fsource in fsources]
#After eval fun and fun1 should be there in globals/locals
for fobj in fobjs:
print "Fun1 in Globals: ",globals()['fun1']
print "Fun1 in locals: ",locals()['fun1']
arg = pickle.loads(args_serialized)
Der Fehler ist
Fun1 in Globals: <function fun1 at 0xb7dae6f4>
Fun1 in locals: <function fun1 at 0xb7dae6f4>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fun.py", line 32, in <module>
File "/home/guest/kathi/python/workspace/run.py", line 23, in work
arg = pickle.loads(args_serialized)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'fun1'