485 Stimmen

Den nächstgelegenen Wert in einem Numpy-Array finden

Gibt es einen numpy-thonischen Weg, z.B. eine Funktion, um die nächstgelegener Wert in einem Array?


np.find_nearest( array, value )


boof Punkte 319

Hier ist eine Version, die mit 2D-Arrays arbeitet und die Scipy-Funktion cdist Funktion, wenn der Benutzer sie hat, und eine einfachere Entfernungsberechnung, wenn er sie nicht hat.

Standardmäßig wird der Index ausgegeben, der dem von Ihnen eingegebenen Wert am nächsten kommt, aber Sie können dies mit der Option output Schlüsselwort zu einem der 'index' , 'value' または 'both' , wobei 'value' Ausgänge array[index] y 'both' Ausgänge index, array[index] .

Für sehr große Arrays müssen Sie möglicherweise die kind='euclidean' da die Standard-Scipy-Cdist-Funktion möglicherweise keinen Speicher mehr hat.

Dies ist vielleicht nicht die absolut schnellste Lösung, aber sie kommt ihr recht nahe.

def find_nearest_2d(array, value, kind='cdist', output='index'):
    # 'array' must be a 2D array
    # 'value' must be a 1D array with 2 elements
    # 'kind' defines what method to use to calculate the distances. Can choose one
    #    of 'cdist' (default) or 'euclidean'. Choose 'euclidean' for very large
    #    arrays. Otherwise, cdist is much faster.
    # 'output' defines what the output should be. Can be 'index' (default) to return
    #    the index of the array that is closest to the value, 'value' to return the
    #    value that is closest, or 'both' to return index,value
    import numpy as np
    if kind == 'cdist':
        try: from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
        except ImportError:
            print("Warning (find_nearest_2d): Could not import cdist. Reverting to simpler distance calculation")
            kind = 'euclidean'
    index = np.where(array == value)[0] # Make sure the value isn't in the array
    if index.size == 0:
        if kind == 'cdist': index = np.argmin(cdist([value],array)[0])
        elif kind == 'euclidean': index = np.argmin(np.sum((np.array(array)-np.array(value))**2.,axis=1))
        else: raise ValueError("Keyword 'kind' must be one of 'cdist' or 'euclidean'")
    if output == 'index': return index
    elif output == 'value': return array[index]
    elif output == 'both': return index,array[index]
    else: raise ValueError("Keyword 'output' must be one of 'index', 'value', or 'both'")


Für diejenigen, die nach dem nächstgelegenen Mehrfachen suchen, wird die akzeptierte Antwort geändert:

import numpy as np
def find_nearest(array, value, k):
    array = np.asarray(array)
    idx = np.argsort(abs(array - value))[:k]
    return array[idx]

Siehe: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66937734/11671779


kareem mohamed Punkte 1
import numpy as np
def find_nearest(array, value):
    array = np.array(array)
    y= np.where(z == z.min())

    return near_value

array =np.array([[60,200,30],[3,30,50],[20,1,-50],[20,-500,11]])
value = 0
print(find_nearest(array, value))


denis Punkte 20177

Dieser verarbeitet eine beliebige Anzahl von Abfragen, indem er numpy sucht sortiert also nach dem Sortieren der Eingabe-Arrays, genauso schnell ist. Es funktioniert auf regulären Gittern in 2d, 3d ... auch: enter image description here

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# keywords: nearest-neighbor regular-grid python numpy searchsorted Voronoi

import numpy as np

class Near_rgrid( object ):
    """ nearest neighbors on a Manhattan aka regular grid
    near = Near_rgrid( x: sorted 1d array )
    nearix = near.query( q: 1d ) -> indices of the points x_i nearest each q_i
        x[nearix[0]] is the nearest to q[0]
        x[nearix[1]] is the nearest to q[1] ...
        nearpoints = x[nearix] is near q
    If A is an array of e.g. colors at x[0] x[1] ...,
    A[nearix] are the values near q[0] q[1] ...
    Query points < x[0] snap to x[0], similarly > x[-1].

    2d: on a Manhattan aka regular grid,
        streets running east-west at y_i, avenues north-south at x_j,
    near = Near_rgrid( y, x: sorted 1d arrays, e.g. latitide longitude )
    I, J = near.query( q: nq × 2 array, columns qy qx )
    -> nq × 2 indices of the gridpoints y_i x_j nearest each query point
        gridpoints = np.column_stack(( y[I], x[J] ))  # e.g. street corners
        diff = gridpoints - querypoints
        distances = norm( diff, axis=1, ord= )
    Values at an array A definded at the gridpoints y_i x_j nearest q: A[I,J]

    3d: Near_rgrid( z, y, x: 1d axis arrays ) .query( q: nq × 3 array )

    See Howitworks below, and the plot Voronoi-random-regular-grid.

    def __init__( self, *axes: "1d arrays" ):
        axarrays = []
        for ax in axes:
            axarray = np.asarray( ax ).squeeze()
            assert axarray.ndim == 1, "each axis should be 1d, not %s " % (
                    str( axarray.shape ))
            axarrays += [axarray]
        self.midpoints = [_midpoints( ax ) for ax in axarrays]
        self.axes = axarrays
        self.ndim = len(axes)

    def query( self, queries: "nq × dim points" ) -> "nq × dim indices":
        """ -> the indices of the nearest points in the grid """
        queries = np.asarray( queries ).squeeze()  # or list x y z ?
        if self.ndim == 1:
            assert queries.ndim <= 1, queries.shape
            return np.searchsorted( self.midpoints[0], queries )  # scalar, 0d ?
        queries = np.atleast_2d( queries )
        assert queries.shape[1] == self.ndim, [
                queries.shape, self.ndim]
        return [np.searchsorted( mid, q )  # parallel: k axes, k processors
                for mid, q in zip( self.midpoints, queries.T )]

    def snaptogrid( self, queries: "nq × dim points" ):
        """ -> the nearest points in the grid, 2d [[y_j x_i] ...] """
        ix = self.query( queries )
        if self.ndim == 1:
            return self.axes[0][ix]
            axix = [ax[j] for ax, j in zip( self.axes, ix )]
            return np.array( axix )

def _midpoints( points: "array-like 1d, *must be sorted*" ) -> "1d":
    points = np.asarray( points ).squeeze()
    assert points.ndim == 1, points.shape
    diffs = np.diff( points )
    assert np.nanmin( diffs ) > 0, "the input array must be sorted, not %s " % (
            points.round( 2 ))
    return (points[:-1] + points[1:]) / 2  # floats

Howitworks = \
How Near_rgrid works in 1d:
Consider the midpoints halfway between fenceposts | | |
The interval [left midpoint .. | .. right midpoint] is what's nearest each post --

    |   |       |                     |   points
    | . |   .   |          .          |   midpoints
      ^^^^^^               .            nearest points[1]
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^             nearest points[2]  etc.

    I, J = Near_rgrid( y, x ).query( q )
    I = nearest in `x`
    J = nearest in `y` independently / in parallel.
    The points nearest [yi xj] in a regular grid (its Voronoi cell)
    form a rectangle [left mid x .. right mid x] × [left mid y .. right mid y]
    (in any norm ?)
    See the plot Voronoi-random-regular-grid.

If a query point is exactly halfway between two data points,
e.g. on a grid of ints, the lines (x + 1/2) U (y + 1/2),
which "nearest" you get is implementation-dependent, unpredictable.


Murky = \
""" NaNs in points, in queries ?

__version__ = "2021-10-25 oct  denis-bz-py"


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