4 Stimmen

Rake-Tasks werden in Rails 3 nicht entdeckt

Ich habe Probleme, mit Rails 3.0.0 zu starten, weil es die Rake-Tasks einfach nicht lädt

rake gems:install

rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'gems:install'


rake about              # List versions of all Rails frameworks and the environment
rake db:create          # Create the database from config/database.yml for the current Rails.env (use db:create:all to create all dbs in the config)
rake db:drop            # Drops the database for the current Rails.env (use db:drop:all to drop all databases)
rake db:fixtures:load   # Load fixtures into the current environment's database.
rake db:migrate         # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false).
rake db:migrate:status  # Display status of migrations
rake db:rollback        # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n).
rake db:schema:dump     # Create a db/schema.rb file that can be portably used against any DB supported by AR
rake db:schema:load     # Load a schema.rb file into the database
rake db:seed            # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb
rake db:setup           # Create the database, load the schema, and initialize with the seed data (use db:reset to also drop the db first)
rake db:structure:dump  # Dump the database structure to an SQL file
rake db:version         # Retrieves the current schema version number
rake doc:app            # Generate docs for the app -- also availble doc:rails, doc:guides, doc:plugins (options: TEMPLATE=/rdoc-template.rb, TITLE="Custom Title")
rake log:clear          # Truncates all *.log files in log/ to zero bytes
rake middleware         # Prints out your Rack middleware stack
rake notes              # Enumerate all annotations (use notes:optimize, :fixme, :todo for focus)
rake notes:custom       # Enumerate a custom annotation, specify with ANNOTATION=CUSTOM
rake rails:template     # Applies the template supplied by LOCATION=/path/to/template
rake rails:update       # Update both configs and public/javascripts from Rails (or use just update:javascripts or update:configs)
rake routes             # Print out all defined routes in match order, with names.
rake secret             # Generate a crytographically secure secret key (this is typically used to generate a secret for cookie sessions).
rake stats              # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application
rake test               # Runs test:units, test:functionals, test:integration together (also available: test:benchmark, test:profile, test:plugins)
rake test:recent        # Run tests for recenttest:prepare / Test recent changes
rake test:uncommitted   # Run tests for uncommittedtest:prepare / Test changes since last checkin (only Subversion and Git)
rake time:zones:all     # Displays all time zones, also available: time:zones:us, time:zones:local -- filter with OFFSET parameter, e.g., OFFSET=-6
rake tmp:clear          # Clear session, cache, and socket files from tmp/ (narrow w/ tmp:sessions:clear, tmp:cache:clear, tmp:sockets:clear)
rake tmp:create         # Creates tmp directories for sessions, cache, sockets, and pids

Das Problem ist also, dass die Aufgaben für Edelsteine nicht berücksichtigt werden. Das ist wahrscheinlich auch der Grund, warum ich compass nicht installieren kann. Es gibt mir die folgende Fehlermeldung:

schienen neu testproj -m http://compass-style.org/rails/installer

rake    gems:install GEM=haml --trace
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'gems:install'

Ist Bundler auf meinem System defekt? Ich bin auf Snow Leopard.


Joshua Smith Punkte 6435

Hierfür müssen Sie Bundler verwenden, nicht den Rake-Task. Versuchen Sie es: bundle install

Wenn Sie Gems installieren wollen, müssen Sie sie in Ihr Gemfile (im Root des Projekts) aufnehmen und dann mit Bundler installieren. http://github.com/schacon/bundler

in Ihrem Gemfile:

gem "haml"

führen Sie dann die

bundle install


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