Hier ist eine Klasse, die ich geschrieben habe, um verschiedene Stile in ISO3166 zu konvertieren und die auch für diesen Fall verwendet werden kann. Bei einer Schleifenbildung über viele Datensätze würde ich ein Wörterbuch verwenden, das einmal initialisiert wird, oder diese Klasse kann entsprechend angepasst werden.
using System;
namespace Core.ISO
internal class UsStateCode_Iso3166
private UsStateCode_Iso3166(string name,
string isoCode,
string alpha2)
Name = name;
IsoCode = isoCode;
Alpha2 = alpha2;
public string Name { get; }
public string IsoCode { get; }
public string Alpha2 { get; }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Alabama { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Alabama", "US-AL", "AL"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Alaska { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Alaska", "US-AK", "AK"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 AmericanSamoa { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("American Samoa", "US-AS", "AS"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Arizona { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Arizona", "US-AZ", "AZ"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Arkansas { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Arkansas", "US-AR", "AR"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 California { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("California", "US-CA", "CA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Colorado { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Colorado", "US-CO", "CO"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Connecticut { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Connecticut", "US-CT", "CT"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Delaware { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Delaware", "US-DE", "DE"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 DistrictOfColumbia { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("District Of Columbia", "US-DC", "DC"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Florida { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Florida", "US-FL", "FL"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Georgia { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Georgia", "US-GA", "GA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Guam { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Guam", "US-GU", "GU"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Hawaii { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Hawaii", "US-HI", "HI"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Idaho { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Idaho", "US-ID", "ID"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Illinois { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Illinois", "US-IL", "IL"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Indiana { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Indiana", "US-IN", "IN"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Iowa { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Iowa", "US-IA", "IA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Kansas { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Kansas", "US-KS", "KS"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Kentucky { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Kentucky", "US-KY", "KY"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Louisiana { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Louisiana", "US-LA", "LA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Maine { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Maine", "US-ME", "ME"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Maryland { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Maryland", "US-MD", "MD"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Massachusetts { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Massachusetts", "US-MA", "MA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Michigan { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Michigan", "US-MI", "MI"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Minnesota { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Minnesota", "US-MN", "MN"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Mississippi { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Mississippi", "US-MS", "MS"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Missouri { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Missouri", "US-MO", "MO"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Montana { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Montana", "US-MT", "MT"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Nebraska { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Nebraska", "US-NE", "NE"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Nevada { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Nevada", "US-NV", "NV"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NewHampshire { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("New Hampshire", "US-NH", "NH"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NewJersey { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("New Jersey", "US-NJ", "NJ"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NewMexico { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("New Mexico", "US-NM", "NM"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NewYork { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("New York", "US-NY", "NY"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NorthCarolina { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("North Carolina", "US-NC", "NC"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NorthDakota { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("North Dakota", "US-ND", "ND"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 NorthernMarianaIslands { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Northern Mariana Islands", "US-MP", "MP"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Ohio { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Ohio", "US-OH", "OH"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Oklahoma { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Oklahoma", "US-OK", "OK"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Oregon { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Oregon", "US-OR", "OR"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Pennsylvania { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Pennsylvania", "US-PA", "PA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 PuertoRico { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Puerto Rico", "US-PR", "PR"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 RhodeIsland { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Rhode Island", "US-RI", "RI"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 SouthCarolina { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("South Carolina", "US-SC", "SC"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 SouthDakota { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("South Dakota", "US-SD", "SD"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Tennessee { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Tennessee", "US-TN", "TN"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Texas { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Texas", "US-TX", "TX"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("United States Minor Outlying Islands", "US-UM", "UM"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Utah { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Utah", "US-UT", "UT"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Vermont { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Vermont", "US-VT", "VT"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 VirginIslands { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Virgin Islands", "US-VI", "VI"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Virginia { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Virginia", "US-VA", "VA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Washington { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Washington", "US-WA", "WA"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 WestVirginia { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("West Virginia", "US-WV", "WV"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Wisconsin { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Wisconsin", "US-WI", "WI"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 Wyoming { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("Wyoming", "US-WY", "WY"); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 None { get { return new UsStateCode_Iso3166("N/A", "", ""); } }
public static UsStateCode_Iso3166 FromString(string str)
return str switch
"" => None,
"ALABAMA" => Alabama,
"ALASKA" => Alaska,
"AMERICAN SAMOA" => AmericanSamoa,
"ARIZONA" => Arizona,
"ARKANSAS" => Arkansas,
"CALIFORNIA" => California,
"COLORADO" => Colorado,
"CONNECTICUT" => Connecticut,
"DELAWARE" => Delaware,
"DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA" => DistrictOfColumbia,
"FLORIDA" => Florida,
"GEORGIA" => Georgia,
"GUAM" => Guam,
"HAWAII" => Hawaii,
"IDAHO" => Idaho,
"ILLINOIS" => Illinois,
"INDIANA" => Indiana,
"IOWA" => Iowa,
"KANSAS" => Kansas,
"KENTUCKY" => Kentucky,
"LOUISIANA" => Louisiana,
"MAINE" => Maine,
"MARYLAND" => Maryland,
"MASSACHUSETTS" => Massachusetts,
"MICHIGAN" => Michigan,
"MINNESOTA" => Minnesota,
"MISSISSIPPI" => Mississippi,
"MISSOURI" => Missouri,
"MONTANA" => Montana,
"NEBRASKA" => Nebraska,
"NEVADA" => Nevada,
"NEW HAMPSHIRE" => NewHampshire,
"NEW JERSEY" => NewJersey,
"NEW MEXICO" => NewMexico,
"NEW YORK" => NewYork,
"NORTH CAROLINA" => NorthCarolina,
"NORTH DAKOTA" => NorthDakota,
"NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS" => NorthernMarianaIslands,
"OHIO" => Ohio,
"OKLAHOMA" => Oklahoma,
"OREGON" => Oregon,
"PENNSYLVANIA" => Pennsylvania,
"PUERTO RICO" => PuertoRico,
"RHODE ISLAND" => RhodeIsland,
"SOUTH CAROLINA" => SouthCarolina,
"SOUTH DAKOTA" => SouthDakota,
"TENNESSEE" => Tennessee,
"TEXAS" => Texas,
"UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS" => UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands,
"UTAH" => Utah,
"VERMONT" => Vermont,
"VIRGIN ISLANDS" => VirginIslands,
"VIRGINIA" => Virginia,
"WASHINGTON" => Washington,
"WEST VIRGINIA" => WestVirginia,
"WISCONSIN" => Wisconsin,
"WYOMING" => Wyoming,
"AL" => Alabama,
"AK" => Alaska,
"AS" => AmericanSamoa,
"AZ" => Arizona,
"AR" => Arkansas,
"CA" => California,
"CO" => Colorado,
"CT" => Connecticut,
"DE" => Delaware,
"DC" => DistrictOfColumbia,
"FL" => Florida,
"GA" => Georgia,
"GU" => Guam,
"HI" => Hawaii,
"ID" => Idaho,
"IL" => Illinois,
"IN" => Indiana,
"IA" => Iowa,
"KS" => Kansas,
"KY" => Kentucky,
"LA" => Louisiana,
"ME" => Maine,
"MD" => Maryland,
"MA" => Massachusetts,
"MI" => Michigan,
"MN" => Minnesota,
"MS" => Mississippi,
"MO" => Missouri,
"MT" => Montana,
"NE" => Nebraska,
"NV" => Nevada,
"NH" => NewHampshire,
"NJ" => NewJersey,
"NM" => NewMexico,
"NY" => NewYork,
"NC" => NorthCarolina,
"ND" => NorthDakota,
"MP" => NorthernMarianaIslands,
"OH" => Ohio,
"OK" => Oklahoma,
"OR" => Oregon,
"PA" => Pennsylvania,
"PR" => PuertoRico,
"RI" => RhodeIsland,
"SC" => SouthCarolina,
"SD" => SouthDakota,
"TN" => Tennessee,
"TX" => Texas,
"UM" => UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands,
"UT" => Utah,
"VT" => Vermont,
"VI" => VirginIslands,
"VA" => Virginia,
"WA" => Washington,
"WV" => WestVirginia,
"WI" => Wisconsin,
"WY" => Wyoming,
"US-AL" => Alabama,
"US-AK" => Alaska,
"US-AS" => AmericanSamoa,
"US-AZ" => Arizona,
"US-AR" => Arkansas,
"US-CA" => California,
"US-CO" => Colorado,
"US-CT" => Connecticut,
"US-DE" => Delaware,
"US-DC" => DistrictOfColumbia,
"US-FL" => Florida,
"US-GA" => Georgia,
"US-GU" => Guam,
"US-HI" => Hawaii,
"US-ID" => Idaho,
"US-IL" => Illinois,
"US-IN" => Indiana,
"US-IA" => Iowa,
"US-KS" => Kansas,
"US-KY" => Kentucky,
"US-LA" => Louisiana,
"US-ME" => Maine,
"US-MD" => Maryland,
"US-MA" => Massachusetts,
"US-MI" => Michigan,
"US-MN" => Minnesota,
"US-MS" => Mississippi,
"US-MO" => Missouri,
"US-MT" => Montana,
"US-NE" => Nebraska,
"US-NV" => Nevada,
"US-NH" => NewHampshire,
"US-NJ" => NewJersey,
"US-NM" => NewMexico,
"US-NY" => NewYork,
"US-NC" => NorthCarolina,
"US-ND" => NorthDakota,
"US-MP" => NorthernMarianaIslands,
"US-OH" => Ohio,
"US-OK" => Oklahoma,
"US-OR" => Oregon,
"US-PA" => Pennsylvania,
"US-PR" => PuertoRico,
"US-RI" => RhodeIsland,
"US-SC" => SouthCarolina,
"US-SD" => SouthDakota,
"US-TN" => Tennessee,
"US-TX" => Texas,
"US-UM" => UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands,
"US-UT" => Utah,
"US-VT" => Vermont,
"US-VI" => VirginIslands,
"US-VA" => Virginia,
"US-WA" => Washington,
"US-WV" => WestVirginia,
"US-WI" => Wisconsin,
"US-WY" => Wyoming,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(str)),
Sie kann wie folgt aufgerufen werden...
void test()
UsStateCode_Iso3166 stateByName = UsStateCode_Iso3166.FromString("New York");
UsStateCode_Iso3166 stateByAbbrev = UsStateCode_Iso3166.FromString("NY");
UsStateCode_Iso3166 stateByIso = UsStateCode_Iso3166.FromString("US-NY");
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {stateByAbbrev.Name}, Abbrev: {stateByAbbrev.Alpha2}, ISO3166: {stateByAbbrev.IsoCode}");
//output: Name: New York, Abbrev: NY, ISO3166: US-NY