2 Stimmen

Was ist ein einfacher Ansatz zum Abgleichen und Aufzählen der Ergebnisse eines Quiz mit Python

Im folgenden Code (der meine ganze Unerfahrenheit in Python zeigt) habe ich die Bücher der KJV-Bibel genommen und sie über eine Liste und ein Wörterbuch in eine logische Reihenfolge gebracht. Ich habe dann eine zufällige Methode verwendet, um einem Benutzer 5 zufällige Bücher zusammen mit der Position jedes Buches in einer zufälligen Liste anzuzeigen, die der Benutzer zuordnen kann (etwas, mit dem ich die Bücher der Bibel besser lernen kann). Meine Schwierigkeit besteht darin, herauszufinden, wie man die Ergebnisse speichert und die Anzahl der Richtigen/Falschen zusammenzählt. Ich würde dem Benutzer auch gerne die Möglichkeit geben, die Anzahl der Fragen zu wählen, z. B. 10, 15, 20 oder 30 .... Kann mir jemand eine Anleitung dazu geben? Vielen Dank!

import random
import os

if __name__=='__main__':

    books=['Genesis', 'Exodus', 'Leviticus', 'Numbers', 'Deuteronomy', 'Joshua',
       'Judges', 'Ruth', 'I Samuel', 'II Samuel', 'I Kings', 'II Kings',
       'I Chronicles', 'II Chronicles', 'Ezra', 'Nehemiah', 'Esther', 'Job', 'Psalms',
       'Proverbs', 'Ecclesiastes', 'Song of Solomon', 'Isaiah', 'Jeremiah',
       'Lamentations', 'Ezekiel', 'Daniel', 'Hosea', 'Joel', 'Amos', 'Obadiah',
       'Jonah', 'Micah', 'Nahum', 'Habakkuk', 'Zephaniah', 'Haggai', 'Zechariah',
       'Malachi', 'Matthew', 'Mark', 'Luke', 'John', 'Acts', 'Romans', 'I Corinthians',
       'II Corinthians', 'Galatians', 'Ephesians', 'Philippians',
       'Colossians', 'I Thessalonians', 'II Thessalonians', 'I Timothy', 'II Timothy',
       'Titus', 'Philemon', 'Hebrews', 'James', 'I Peter', 'II Peter', 'I John',
       'II John', 'III John', 'Jude', 'Revelation']

Title = "{0:^78}".format("Welcome to the Bible book quiz!\n\n")

seleCtion = raw_input(" The Bible has a number of " + str(len(books)) + " books.\n Select Next to see them below:\n" + "{0:^78}".format("[1]Next    [2]Exit\n") )

if seleCtion == '1':

 #This section displays the books of the Bible and their indexes.
    count = 1
    indexMap = {}

    for i, bname in enumerate(books):
        print '\n{0:3d}. {1}'.format(count, bname)
        indexMap[count] = i
        count +=1

elif seleCtion == '2':
    print Title
    print "\n Let's start the quiz:\n\n\n"

    print 'You must select 1 or 2'

mydict_book = {'Genesis':1, 'Exodus':2, 'Leviticus':3, 'Numbers':4, 'Deuteronomy':5, 'Joshua':6,
       'Judges':7, 'Ruth':8, 'I Samuel':9, 'II Samuel':10, 'I Kings':11, 'II Kings':12,
       'I Chronicles':13, 'II Chronicles':14, 'Ezra':15, 'Nehemiah':16, 'Esther':17, 'Job':18, 'Psalms':19,
       'Proverbs':20, 'Ecclesiastes':21, 'Song of Solomon':22, 'Isaiah':23, 'Jeremiah':24,
       'Lamentations':25, 'Ezekiel':26, 'Daniel':27, 'Hosea':28, 'Joel':29, 'Amos':30, 'Obadiah':31,
       'Jonah':32, 'Micah':33, 'Nahum':34, 'Habakkuk':35, 'Zephaniah':36, 'Haggai':37, 'Zechariah':38,
       'Malachi':39, 'Matthew':40, 'Mark':41, 'Luke':42, 'John':43, 'Acts':44, 'Romans':45, 'I Corinthians':46,
       'II Corinthians':47, 'Galatians':48, 'Ephesians':49, 'Philippians':50,
       'Colossians':51, 'I Thessalonians':52, 'II Thessalonians':53, 'I Timothy':54, 'II Timothy':55,
       'Titus':56, 'Philemon':57, 'Hebrews':58, 'James':59, 'I Peter':60, 'II Peter':61, 'I John':62,
       'II John':63, 'III John':64, 'Jude':65, 'Revelation':66}    

#new_dict = dict.fromkeys(books, counter)
#print new_dict

while 1:
        #This section starts the random book selection index match
        user_sel = []

        print '\n\n\n Here are the first 5 books in the quiz: \n'    
        sampler =random.sample(books, 5)
        first = str(sampler[0])
        second = str(sampler[1])
        third = str(sampler[2])
        fourth = str(sampler[3])
        fifth = str(sampler[4])
        user_sel = mydict_book[first], mydict_book[second], mydict_book[third], mydict_book[fourth], mydict_book[fifth]
        num_sampler = random.sample(user_sel, 5)

        print sampler
        print '\nMatch the correct numeric position below:'
        print '\n', num_sampler

        samp1 = int(raw_input('\nWhich number is ' + sampler[0] +': '))
        samp2 = int(raw_input('Which number is ' + sampler[1] +': '))
        samp3 = int(raw_input('Which number is ' + sampler[2] +': '))
        samp4 = int(raw_input('Which number is ' + sampler[3] +': '))
        samp5 = int(raw_input('Which number is ' + sampler[4] +': '))

        # taking the the users answer and finding the resultant book
        # need to put an if statement condition for !< 1 and ! < 66

        # taking the book and finding the numeric value associated with it

        right1 = mydict_book[answer1]
        right2 = mydict_book[answer2]
        right3 = mydict_book[answer3]
        right4 = mydict_book[answer4]
        right5 = mydict_book[answer5]

        #display what my answers yield
        print '\nYour Answers yield:\n'
        print "1. " + str(answer1) 
        print "2. " + str(answer2) 
        print "3. " + str(answer3)
        print "4. " + str(answer4)
        print "5. " + str(answer5)

        #takes the random books converts them to strings
        first = str(sampler[0])
        second = str(sampler[1])
        third = str(sampler[2])
        fourth = str(sampler[3])
        fifth = str(sampler[4])

        # print the numeric value and string value of the correct answers.         
        print "\nThe Correct Answers are:\n"
        print sampler[0] + " - " , mydict_book[first], tstmnt
        print sampler[1] + " - " , mydict_book[second], tstmnt
        print sampler[2] + " - " , mydict_book[third], tstmnt
        print sampler[3] + " - " , mydict_book[fourth], tstmnt
        print sampler[4] + " - " , mydict_book[fifth], tstmnt


    except ValueError:


jcfollower Punkte 3023

Eine Sache, die Ihnen helfen könnte, ist die Verwendung von Listen, Listenverstehensanweisungen und Schleifen, z. B.

q_count = int(raw_input('How many questions per quiz?'))

quiz_items = [str(sampler(x)) for x in range(q_count)]
user_sel = [mydict_book[x] for x in quiz_items]


answers = []
for i in range(q_count):
    next_answer = int(raw_input('\nWhich number is ' + sampler[i] +': '))



Tourman Punkte 78

"Meine Schwierigkeit besteht darin, herauszufinden, wie man die Ergebnisse speichert und die Anzahl der richtigen/falschen Antworten zusammenzählt. Ich würde dem Benutzer auch gerne die Möglichkeit geben, die Anzahl der Fragen zu wählen, z. B. 10, 15, 20 oder 30 .... Kann mir jemand eine Anleitung dazu geben?

Ich denke, man kann so etwas tun:

right = 0
wrong = 0

numSamp = raw_input("Enter the amount of samples: ")

for i in xrange(numSamp):
    answer = int(raw_input('\nWhich number is ' + sampler[i] +': '))

    if book[answer-1] == sampler[i]:


eyquem Punkte 25545
import random
import os

if __name__=='__main__':

    books = ['Genesis', 'Exodus', 'Leviticus', 'Numbers', 'Deuteronomy',
             'Joshua', 'Judges', 'Ruth', 'I Samuel', 'II Samuel', 'I Kings',
             'II Kings', 'I Chronicles', 'II Chronicles', 'Ezra', 'Nehemiah',
             'Esther', 'Job', 'Psalms', 'Proverbs', 'Ecclesiastes',
             'Song of Solomon', 'Isaiah', 'Jeremiah', 'Lamentations',
             'Ezekiel', 'Daniel', 'Hosea', 'Joel', 'Amos', 'Obadiah', 'Jonah',
             'Micah', 'Nahum', 'Habakkuk', 'Zephaniah', 'Haggai', 'Zechariah',
             'Malachi', 'Matthew', 'Mark', 'Luke', 'John', 'Acts', 'Romans',
             'I Corinthians', 'II Corinthians', 'Galatians', 'Ephesians',
             'Philippians', 'Colossians', 'I Thessalonians',
             'II Thessalonians', 'I Timothy', 'II Timothy', 'Titus',
             'Philemon', 'Hebrews', 'James', 'I Peter', 'II Peter', 'I John',
             'II John', 'III John', 'Jude', 'Revelation']

    mydict_book = dict((bname,i) for i,bname in enumerate(books,start=1))

while True:
    seleCtion = raw_input(" The Bible has a number of %s books.\n" % len(books) \
                          + "Select Next to see them below:\n" \
                          + "{0:^78}".format("[1]Print All books   [2]Start Quiz\n"))

    if seleCtion == '1':
        print '\n'.join('{0:3d}. {1}'.format(i, bname) for i,bname in mydict_book.iteritems())

    elif seleCtion == '2':
        print "{0:^78}\nLet's start the quiz:\n\n".format("Welcome to the Bible book quiz!\n\n")

        print 'You must select 1 or 2'

while 1:
        num_ques = int(raw_input('\nEnter the number of questions you wanna be asked: '))
        sampler  = random.sample(books, num_ques)
        if not sampler:  exit(0)

        num_sampler = map(lambda bname: mydict_book[bname] , sampler)
        print 'num_sampler==',num_sampler

        print ('\n\n\nHere are the first %s books in the quiz: \n%s'
               '\nMatch the correct numeric positions below :\n%s') \
               % (num_ques,  str(sampler)[1:-1],  str(random.sample(num_sampler,num_ques))[1:-1])

        samp = [ int(raw_input('\nWhich number is %s : ' % books[i-1])) for i in num_sampler ]

        your = zip(samp,sampler)
        print '\nYour Answers yield:\n' + '\n'.join('%2s. %s' % (n,bk) for n,bk in your)

        correct = zip(num_sampler,sampler)
        print "\nThe Correct Answers are:\n" + '\n'.join('%2s - %s' % (n,bk) for n,bk in correct) 


    except ValueError:


Rushil Paul Punkte 1958

Dies ist der vollständige Code, führen Sie ihn aus und sehen Sie, ob er Ihnen gefällt. Ich habe einige Ihrer Zeilen gelöscht.

import random
import os

if __name__=='__main__':

    books=['Genesis', 'Exodus', 'Leviticus', 'Numbers', 'Deuteronomy', 'Joshua',
       'Judges', 'Ruth', 'I Samuel', 'II Samuel', 'I Kings', 'II Kings',
       'I Chronicles', 'II Chronicles', 'Ezra', 'Nehemiah', 'Esther', 'Job', 'Psalms',
       'Proverbs', 'Ecclesiastes', 'Song of Solomon', 'Isaiah', 'Jeremiah',
       'Lamentations', 'Ezekiel', 'Daniel', 'Hosea', 'Joel', 'Amos', 'Obadiah',
       'Jonah', 'Micah', 'Nahum', 'Habakkuk', 'Zephaniah', 'Haggai', 'Zechariah',
       'Malachi', 'Matthew', 'Mark', 'Luke', 'John', 'Acts', 'Romans', 'I Corinthians',
       'II Corinthians', 'Galatians', 'Ephesians', 'Philippians',
       'Colossians', 'I Thessalonians', 'II Thessalonians', 'I Timothy', 'II Timothy',
       'Titus', 'Philemon', 'Hebrews', 'James', 'I Peter', 'II Peter', 'I John',
       'II John', 'III John', 'Jude', 'Revelation']

Title = "{0:^78}".format("Welcome to the Bible book quiz!\n\n")

seleCtion = raw_input(" The Bible has a number of " + str(len(books)) + " books.\n Select Next to see them below:\n" + "{0:^78}".format("[1]Print All books   [2]Start Quiz\n") )

if seleCtion == '1':

 #This section displays the books of the Bible and their indexes.
    count = 1
    indexMap = {}

    for i, bname in enumerate(books):
        print '\n{0:3d}. {1}'.format(count, bname)
        indexMap[count] = i
        count +=1

elif seleCtion == '2':
    print Title
    print "\n Let's start the quiz:\n\n\n"

    print 'You must select 1 or 2'

mydict_book = {'Genesis':1, 'Exodus':2, 'Leviticus':3, 'Numbers':4, 'Deuteronomy':5, 'Joshua':6,
       'Judges':7, 'Ruth':8, 'I Samuel':9, 'II Samuel':10, 'I Kings':11, 'II Kings':12,
       'I Chronicles':13, 'II Chronicles':14, 'Ezra':15, 'Nehemiah':16, 'Esther':17, 'Job':18, 'Psalms':19,
       'Proverbs':20, 'Ecclesiastes':21, 'Song of Solomon':22, 'Isaiah':23, 'Jeremiah':24,
       'Lamentations':25, 'Ezekiel':26, 'Daniel':27, 'Hosea':28, 'Joel':29, 'Amos':30, 'Obadiah':31,
       'Jonah':32, 'Micah':33, 'Nahum':34, 'Habakkuk':35, 'Zephaniah':36, 'Haggai':37, 'Zechariah':38,
       'Malachi':39, 'Matthew':40, 'Mark':41, 'Luke':42, 'John':43, 'Acts':44, 'Romans':45, 'I Corinthians':46,
       'II Corinthians':47, 'Galatians':48, 'Ephesians':49, 'Philippians':50,
       'Colossians':51, 'I Thessalonians':52, 'II Thessalonians':53, 'I Timothy':54, 'II Timothy':55,
       'Titus':56, 'Philemon':57, 'Hebrews':58, 'James':59, 'I Peter':60, 'II Peter':61, 'I John':62,
       'II John':63, 'III John':64, 'Jude':65, 'Revelation':66}    

#new_dict = dict.fromkeys(books, counter)
#print new_dict

while 1:
        #This section starts the random book selection index match
        user_sel = []

        num_ques = int(raw_input('Enter the number of questions you wanna be asked: '))
        if num_ques == 0:

        sampler =random.sample(books, num_ques)

        print '\n\n\n Here are the first ' + str(num_ques) + ' books in the quiz: \n'

        in_string = [] # this is your 'first', 'second', and so on...
        for i in range(num_ques):
            in_string.append( str(sampler[i]) )

        #user_sel = mydict_book[first], mydict_book[second], mydict_book[third], mydict_book[fourth], mydict_book[fifth]
        for i in range(num_ques):
            user_sel.append( mydict_book[in_string[i]] )

        num_sampler = random.sample(user_sel, num_ques)

        print sampler
        print '\nMatch the correct numeric position below:'
        print '\n', num_sampler

        #samp1 = int(raw_input('\nWhich number is ' + sampler[0] +': '))
        samp = []
        for i in range(num_ques):
            samp.append( int(raw_input('\nWhich number is ' + sampler[i] + ': ') ) )

        # taking the the users answer and finding the resultant book
        # need to put an if statement condition for !< 1 and ! < 66

        answers = []
        for i in range(num_ques):
            answers.append( books[samp[i]-1] )

        # taking the book and finding the numeric value associated with it

        right = []
        for i in range(num_ques):
            right.append( mydict_book[ answers[i] ] )

        #right1 = mydict_book[answer1]

        #display what my answers yield
        print '\nYour Answers yield:\n'
        #print "1. " + str(answer1) 
        for i in range(num_ques):
            print str(i+1) + '. ' + str(answers[i]) 

        #takes the random books converts them to strings
        positions = []
        for i in range(num_ques):
            positions.append( str(sampler[i]) )

        #first = str(sampler[0])
        #second = str(sampler[1])
        #third = str(sampler[2])
        #fourth = str(sampler[3])
        #fifth = str(sampler[4])

        # print the numeric value and string value of the correct answers.         
        print "\nThe Correct Answers are:\n"

        for i in range(num_ques):
            print sampler[i] + ' - ', mydict_book[ positions[i] ]
        #print sampler[0] + " - " , mydict_book[first], tstmnt
        #print sampler[1] + " - " , mydict_book[second], tstmnt
        #print sampler[2] + " - " , mydict_book[third], tstmnt
        #print sampler[3] + " - " , mydict_book[fourth], tstmnt
        #print sampler[4] + " - " , mydict_book[fifth], tstmnt


    except ValueError:


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