von Active code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ctypes
import socket
import struct
def get_macaddress(host):
""" Returns the MAC address of a network host, requires >= WIN2K. """
# Check for api availability
SendARP = ctypes.windll.Iphlpapi.SendARP
raise NotImplementedError('Usage only on Windows 2000 and above')
# Doesn't work with loopbacks, but let's try and help.
if host == '' or host.lower() == 'localhost':
host = socket.gethostname()
# gethostbyname blocks, so use it wisely.
inetaddr = ctypes.windll.wsock32.inet_addr(host)
if inetaddr in (0, -1):
raise Exception
hostip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
inetaddr = ctypes.windll.wsock32.inet_addr(hostip)
buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(6)
addlen = ctypes.c_ulong(ctypes.sizeof(buffer))
if SendARP(inetaddr, 0, ctypes.byref(buffer), ctypes.byref(addlen)) != 0:
raise WindowsError('Retreival of mac address(%s) - failed' % host)
# Convert binary data into a string.
macaddr = ''
for intval in struct.unpack('BBBBBB', buffer):
if intval > 15:
replacestr = '0x'
replacestr = 'x'
macaddr = ''.join([macaddr, hex(intval).replace(replacestr, '')])
return macaddr.upper()
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Your mac address is %s' % get_macaddress('localhost')