Der folgende Code ist eine rekursive Methode zur Anzeige der gesamten Hierarchie aller Eigenschaftsnamen und -werte, die in der Instanz eines Objekts enthalten sind. Diese Methode verwendet eine vereinfachte Version von AlexDs GetPropertyValue()
Antwort oben in diesem Thema. Dank dieses Diskussionsthreads konnte ich herausfinden, wie man das macht!
Ich verwende diese Methode zum Beispiel, um eine Explosion oder einen Dump aller Eigenschaften in einer WebService
Antwort, indem Sie die Methode wie folgt aufrufen:
PropertyValues_byRecursion("Response", response, false);
public static object GetPropertyValue(object srcObj, string propertyName)
if (srcObj == null)
return null;
PropertyInfo pi = srcObj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName.Replace("[]", ""));
if (pi == null)
return null;
return pi.GetValue(srcObj);
public static void PropertyValues_byRecursion(string parentPath, object parentObj, bool showNullValues)
/// Processes all of the objects contained in the parent object.
/// If an object has a Property Value, then the value is written to the Console
/// Else if the object is a container, then this method is called recursively
/// using the current path and current object as parameters
// Note: If you do not want to see null values, set showNullValues = false
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in parentObj.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetProperties())
// Build the current object property's namespace path.
// Recursion extends this to be the property's full namespace path.
string currentPath = parentPath + "." + pi.Name;
// Get the selected property's value as an object
object myPropertyValue = GetPropertyValue(parentObj, pi.Name);
if (myPropertyValue == null)
// Instance of Property does not exist
if (showNullValues)
Console.WriteLine(currentPath + " = null");
// Note: If you are replacing these Console.Write... methods callback methods,
// consider passing DBNull.Value instead of null in any method object parameters.
else if (myPropertyValue.GetType().IsArray)
// myPropertyValue is an object instance of an Array of business objects.
// Initialize an array index variable so we can show NamespacePath[idx] in the results.
int idx = 0;
foreach (object business in (Array)myPropertyValue)
if (business == null)
// Instance of Property does not exist
// Not sure if this is possible in this context.
if (showNullValues)
Console.WriteLine(currentPath + "[" + idx.ToString() + "]" + " = null");
else if (business.GetType().IsArray)
// myPropertyValue[idx] is another Array!
// Let recursion process it.
PropertyValues_byRecursion(currentPath + "[" + idx.ToString() + "]", business, showNullValues);
else if (business.GetType().IsSealed)
// Display the Full Property Path and its Value
Console.WriteLine(currentPath + "[" + idx.ToString() + "] = " + business.ToString());
// Unsealed Type Properties can contain child objects.
// Recurse into my property value object to process its properties and child objects.
PropertyValues_byRecursion(currentPath + "[" + idx.ToString() + "]", business, showNullValues);
else if (myPropertyValue.GetType().IsSealed)
// myPropertyValue is a simple value
Console.WriteLine(currentPath + " = " + myPropertyValue.ToString());
// Unsealed Type Properties can contain child objects.
// Recurse into my property value object to process its properties and child objects.
PropertyValues_byRecursion(currentPath, myPropertyValue, showNullValues);