Dafür habe ich eine Dienstfunktion mit hoher Flexibilität entwickelt:
export type Size = {width: number, height: number};
export enum GetSize_Method {
/** Includes: content, padding. Excludes: border, margin, scroll-bar (if it has one), "position:absolute" descendants. */
ClientSize = "ClientSize",
/** Includes: content, padding, border, margin, scroll-bar (if it has one). Excludes: "position:absolute" descendants. */
OffsetSize = "OffsetSize",
/** Includes: content, padding, border, margin, scroll-bar (if it has one), "position:absolute" descendants. Excludes: none. */
ScrollSize = "ScrollSize",
/** Same as ScrollSize, except that it's calculated after the element's css transforms are applied. */
BoundingClientRect = "BoundingClientRect",
/** Lets you specify the exact list of components you want to include in the size calculation. */
Custom = "Custom",
export type SizeComp = "content" | "padding" | "border" | "margin" | "scrollBar" | "posAbsDescendants";
export function GetSize(el: HTMLElement, method = GetSize_Method.ClientSize, custom_sizeComps?: SizeComp[]) {
let size: Size;
if (method == GetSize_Method.ClientSize) {
size = {width: el.clientWidth, height: el.clientHeight};
} else if (method == GetSize_Method.OffsetSize) {
size = {width: el.offsetWidth, height: el.offsetHeight};
} else if (method == GetSize_Method.ScrollSize) {
size = {width: el.scrollWidth, height: el.scrollHeight};
} else if (method == GetSize_Method.BoundingClientRect) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
size = {width: rect.width, height: rect.height};
} else if (method == GetSize_Method.Custom) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
const styleProp = (name: string)=>parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(name));
const padding = {w: styleProp("padding-left") + styleProp("padding-right"), h: styleProp("padding-top") + styleProp("padding-bottom")};
const base = {w: el.clientWidth - padding.w, h: el.clientHeight - padding.h};
const border = {w: styleProp("border-left") + styleProp("border-right"), h: styleProp("border-top") + styleProp("border-bottom")};
const margin = {w: styleProp("margin-left") + styleProp("margin-right"), h: styleProp("margin-top") + styleProp("margin-bottom")};
const scrollBar = {w: (el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth) - border.w - margin.w, h: (el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight) - border.h - margin.h};
const posAbsDescendants = {w: el.scrollWidth - el.offsetWidth, h: el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight};
const sc = (name: SizeComp, valIfEnabled: number)=>custom_sizeComps.includes(name) ? valIfEnabled : 0;
size = {
width: sc("content", base.w) + sc("padding", padding.w) + sc("border", border.w)
+ sc("margin", margin.w) + sc("scrollBar", scrollBar.w) + sc("posAbsDescendants", posAbsDescendants.w),
height: sc("content", base.h) + sc("padding", padding.h) + sc("border", border.h)
+ sc("margin", margin.h) + sc("scrollBar", scrollBar.h) + sc("posAbsDescendants", posAbsDescendants.h),
return size;
const el = document.querySelector(".my-element");
console.log("Size:", GetSize(el, "ClientSize"));
console.log("Size:", GetSize(el, "Custom", ["content", "padding", "border"]));
18 Stimmen
Beachten Sie, dass die Höhe eines Elements durch jede Methode hat immer eine Performance-Auswirkungen da er den Browser dazu bringt, die Position aller Elemente auf der Seite neu zu berechnen (Reflow). Vermeiden Sie es daher, dies zu oft zu tun. Zur Kasse diese Liste was für Dinge einen Reflow auslösen.