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#!/bin/sh # dash bash ksh # !zsh (issues). G. Nixon, 12/2013. Public domain.
## 'linkread' or 'fullpath' or (you choose) is a little tool to recursively
## dereference symbolic links (ala 'readlink') until the originating file
## is found. This is effectively the same function provided in stdlib.h as
## 'realpath' and on the command line in GNU 'readlink -f'.
## Neither of these tools, however, are particularly accessible on the many
## systems that do not have the GNU implementation of readlink, nor ship
## with a system compiler (not to mention the requisite knowledge of C).
## This script is written with portability and (to the extent possible, speed)
## in mind, hence the use of printf for echo and case statements where they
## can be substituded for test, though I've had to scale back a bit on that.
## It is (to the best of my knowledge) written in standard POSIX shell, and
## has been tested with bash-as-bin-sh, dash, and ksh93. zsh seems to have
## issues with it, though I'm not sure why; so probably best to avoid for now.
## Particularly useful (in fact, the reason I wrote this) is the fact that
## it can be used within a shell script to find the path of the script itself.
## (I am sure the shell knows this already; but most likely for the sake of
## security it is not made readily available. The implementation of "$0"
## specificies that the $0 must be the location of **last** symbolic link in
## a chain, or wherever it resides in the path.) This can be used for some
## ...interesting things, like self-duplicating and self-modifiying scripts.
## Currently supported are three errors: whether the file specified exists
## (ala ENOENT), whether its target exists/is accessible; and the special
## case of when a sybolic link references itself "foo -> foo": a common error
## for beginners, since 'ln' does not produce an error if the order of link
## and target are reversed on the command line. (See POSIX signal ELOOP.)
## It would probably be rather simple to write to use this as a basis for
## a pure shell implementation of the 'symlinks' util included with Linux.
## As an aside, the amount of code below **completely** belies the amount
## effort it took to get this right -- but I guess that's coding for you.
for argv; do :; done # Last parameter on command line, for options parsing.
## Error messages. Use functions so that we can sub in when the error occurs.
recurses(){ printf "Self-referential:\n\t$argv ->\n\t$argv\n" ;}
dangling(){ printf "Broken symlink:\n\t$argv ->\n\t"$(readlink "$argv")"\n" ;}
errnoent(){ printf "No such file: "$@"\n" ;} # Borrow a horrible signal name.
# Probably best not to install as 'pathfull', if you can avoid it.
pathfull(){ cd "$(dirname "$@")"; link="$(readlink "$(basename "$@")")"
## 'test and 'ls' report different status for bad symlinks, so we use this.
if [ ! -e "$@" ]; then if $(ls -d "$@" 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null; then
errnoent 1>&2; exit 1; elif [ ! -e "$@" -a "$link" = "$@" ]; then
recurses 1>&2; exit 1; elif [ ! -e "$@" ] && [ ! -z "$link" ]; then
dangling 1>&2; exit 1; fi
## Not a link, but there might be one in the path, so 'cd' and 'pwd'.
if [ -z "$link" ]; then if [ "$(dirname "$@" | cut -c1)" = '/' ]; then
printf "$@\n"; exit 0; else printf "$(pwd)/$(basename "$@")\n"; fi; exit 0
## Walk the symlinks back to the origin. Calls itself recursivly as needed.
while [ "$link" ]; do
cd "$(dirname "$link")"; newlink="$(readlink "$(basename "$link")")"
case "$newlink" in
"$link") dangling 1>&2 && exit 1 ;;
'') printf "$(pwd)/$(basename "$link")\n"; exit 0 ;;
*) link="$newlink" && pathfull "$link" ;;
printf "$(pwd)/$(basename "$newlink")\n"
## Demo. Install somewhere deep in the filesystem, then symlink somewhere
## else, symlink again (maybe with a different name) elsewhere, and link
## back into the directory you started in (or something.) The absolute path
## of the script will always be reported in the usage, along with "$0".
if [ -z "$argv" ]; then scriptname="$(pathfull "$0")"
# Yay ANSI l33t codes! Fancy.
printf "\n\033[3mfrom/as: \033[4m$0\033[0m\n\n\033[1mUSAGE:\033[0m "
printf "\033[4m$scriptname\033[24m [ link | file | dir ]\n\n "
printf "Recursive readlink for the authoritative file, symlink after "
printf "symlink.\n\n\n \033[4m$scriptname\033[24m\n\n "
printf " From within an invocation of a script, locate the script's "
printf "own file\n (no matter where it has been linked or "
printf "from where it is being called).\n\n"
else pathfull "$@"
91 Stimmen
Keine der derzeitigen Lösungen funktioniert, wenn es irgendwelche Zeilenumbrüche am Ende des Verzeichnisnamens - Sie werden von der Befehlssubstitution entfernt. Um dies zu umgehen, können Sie ein Nicht-Neuzeilen-Zeichen innerhalb der Befehlsersetzung anhängen -
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd && echo x)"
- und entfernen Sie es ohne Befehlssubstitution -DIR="${DIR%x}"
.94 Stimmen
@jpmc26 Es gibt zwei sehr häufige Situationen: Unfälle und Sabotage. Ein Skript sollte nicht auf unvorhersehbare Weise versagen, nur weil jemand, irgendwo, eine
mkdir $'\n'
.36 Stimmen
Wer Leute sein System auf diese Weise sabotieren lässt, sollte es nicht der Bash überlassen, solche Probleme zu erkennen... und schon gar nicht Leute einstellen, die zu solchen Fehlern fähig sind. Ich habe in den 25 Jahren, in denen ich die Bash benutze, noch nie erlebt, dass so etwas irgendwo passiert.... Deshalb gibt es Dinge wie Perl und Praktiken wie Taint Checking (ich werde wahrscheinlich dafür geflamed werden, dass ich das sage :)
79 Stimmen
Ich empfehle Ihnen, dies zu lesen Bash FAQ über das Thema.
0 Stimmen